Enfp and esfp dating

Generally, the ENFP is a warm and affirming creature who is very interested and able to have an intense, meaningful, close relationship with their mate. How did we arrive at this? Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. There's a bit of grown-up kid in every ENFP, so they get a lot of fun and enjoyment from playing with their children. However, they consider it essential to pass their strongly-held values and beliefs down to their children, and will strive consistently to create a positive, ideal environment for their children's growth.

The ENFP may exhibit an inconsistency in their roles with their children. At one moment, they might be their child's best friend, laughing and whooping it up, and in the next moment they may appear the stern authoritarian. This inconsistency seems to be a result of a conflict between the ENFP's genuine desire to relate to their children on the children's level, and their compulsion to follow their deeply-felt value system.

ENFP Weaknesses

In other words, the ENFP wants to be their child's friend, but if a value is violated, they will revert to the parental role to make sure their children understand the violation. This inconsistency may be confusing and frustrating for the children. They usually value their children as individuals, allowing them room for growth. The ENFP's enthusiasm and affection may at times seem smothering to their children. This will be especially true for children with strong Thinking or Sensing preferences, who will have a difficult time understanding the effervescence of the ENFP, and will feel at times embarassed by the ENFP's enthusiasm and tendency to display their affection publicly.

The ENFP is able to take care of day-to-day necessities, such as picking children up at the correct times, getting them to softball practice, getting them fed, etc. However, it is a chore for the ENFP and is not a natural strength. The ENFP also has a difficult time disciplining their children, unless a very strongly-held value has been violated.

The rich imagination and creativity of the ENFP parent creates a fun, dynamic and exciting environment for kids. The ENFP's strong value system turns experiences into meaningful lessons for their children. The ENFP parent is valued by their children for their warm, affirming natures, and their fun-loving approach to living. They are energetic and fun to be with.

ENFP Personality Type Relationships

They are very affirming, and get great satisfaction from supporting and lifting up others. They are idealists who seek authenticity in their personal relationships. ENFPs are valued by their peers and confidantes as warm, supportive, giving people. In the workplace or other casual relationship environments, the ENFP is likely to get along well with almost all other types of people. Those sound like me more than any other personality description I've read anywhere!

Learn More about ENFPs in our eBooks:

But I don't watch that much tv, unless it's my husband's day off. I can usually get into whatever he's watching, though. I took this test a long time ago, and to be honest I thought I had changed completely. I was in a 10 year relationship, where I had become an agoraphobic and very hermit like. And although I am still struggling with that, I truly believed I had changed in every aspect of my personality. So thank you so much for this.

ENFP Relationships, Love, & Compatibility

Makes me confident that I will go back to being the "me" I used to be. All comments are moderated. Spammers will be fried and served on toast. Skip to main content.

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Primary tabs Overview Careers Relationships active tab Resources. How do ESFPs communicate? What are ESFPs like as partners? What are ESFPs like as parents? Please Understand Me II. Intriguing Differences People of the following types are likely to strike the ESFP as similar in character, but with some key differences which may make them seem especially intriguing. Potential Complements ESFPs may not feel an immediate connection with people of the following types, but on getting to know each other, they'll likely find they have some important things in common, as well as some things to teach one other.

Challenging Opposites People of the following types present the most potential for personality clash and conflict with the ESFP, but also the best opportunities for growth. Alexa not verified says Nikhildeep singh not verified says Patima Dimacaling jintarat not verified says Yes please changed my reality world. Lobe not verified says BrendaDi not verified says Do a career that you like.

Franklins Turtles not verified says Guest not verified says The beginning question should be out of 5 rather than 4 And you should have more questions about us personally, rather than just our thoguht process. Tywin Moriarty not verified says A person's thought process is what makes them, regardless of their Myers-Briggs type.

I think this did a good job of describing me. Bob Hope not verified says Hey, do you know how ESFPs can succeed academically? It is sort of creepy. Elizabeth S not verified says Deirdre not verified says It will be awesome. D not verified says What are your hobbies? I was in foster care and this is for me. I think this was literally written about me.

It was an eye opener. This is awesome i knew I was this. Carrot cake not verified says I think esfp is exactly like me it brings out the real personality in me. Esfps are 2nd highest in successful marriages but tend to have lower incomes This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Leave this field blank. Notify me when new comments are posted. Replies to my comment.

Perhaps more importantly, as they go about their travels, there is a sense in which they hope to find themselves. They want to figure out who they are, what they value, what they should be doing, where they might want to live, as well as their preferred type of partner and relationship. This is due to the fact that their Introverted Feeling Fi function is in the auxiliary rather than dominant position in their functional stack. Hence, less mature ENFPs can often seem rather fickle or hypocritical. They may give lip service to certain Si values, while living in a way that seems to contradict those values.

This can of course be difficult for their prospective partners, who may feel confused about who the ENFP really is. In some cases, such confusion is justified, since the ENFP may herself be experiencing ambivalence with respect to her identity. We should be careful, however, not to prematurely fault or criticize young ENFPs for such discrepancies. After all, as extraverted Perceivers, their primary mode of operation is one of adaptation.

Moreover, developing a firm identity, especially early in life, should, at least in theory, be of greater concern for IP types, whose dominant function is one of inner Judging Fi or Ti. Concerns about finding a suitable career or relationship can also tend to push the identity issue for ENFPs, which may unfortunately hinder their natural course of type development. Ideally, ENFPs would exercise patience in young adulthood, allowing their Fi values to emerge over time. With exposure to different cultures and ideas, they can gradually use and develop their Fi, clarifying their identity and preferred course in life.