Dating secrets revealed the smart dating course

In the meantime, you can sign up for the whole thing for no charge here. On the election, sexism, insecurity, and your love life. I started with a story about my mom, who was a butt-kicking professional woman in Iran, and how she refused to put up with the sexist nonsense that the fundamentalists were propounding after the Revolution. The 15min excerpt below talks about the prime directives in male and female behavior, and how that creates three choices for strong women when it comes to choosing and relating to a man:.

A lot of people were sad to have missed it because of time or distance conflict, and asked for a replay. Click here to purchase the full lecture. And do send your questions. Under words, and make sure it contains a question regarding the outcome you desire! The holiday season is upon us, which means that many of you will be going to a bunch of holiday parties. This is an excellent time to get out and make new friends. Which means that people were engaging in lineage-perpetuating activities nine months before, which brings us to… ah yes, December and November.

I really enjoyed the classes and feel that I am seeing some results already. Joined yoga which I realized I had missed as part of my routine and going out more often. Quick situation I wanted to run by you: I was picking up my dry cleaning and there was this good looking guy there.

➤ Dating secrets revealed the smart dating course

We were the only two in the store. While the person was getting my dry cleaning, I did the smiling eye contact with good intention thing, and then he came over and we started a conversation back and forth about how good a dry cleaning place it is and how fast and reasonably priced they are. I got my dry cleaning and smiled at the guy and left.

Do you live or work close by? A lot of what I write is about mindset and being your best self. But sometimes, you just straight up need some techniques that work. This is one of those times. In the big city with people constantly in motion, it can be challenging to make a connection. Conversation-friendliness, Community, and Continuity. You want to be able to have a meaningful exchange of sufficient length in a safe context such that you can follow up with the person later. Now the dry cleaners is a great venue because the people there are likely to be local good for Community , affluent, and probably gainfully employed.

This is the realm of grownups. This cuts out the middleman of fumbling for phones, or pen and paper. Do you have a card? The attention you just gave him probably made his day.

Dating secrets revealed the smart dating course

I have a Bookswap Brunch that I do once a month or so, where people bring books to swap with each other while having a tasty brunch. Now this topic happens to be one of the most common that women ask me about. Capacity for the webinar is only people, so if you want to be on, I would recommend that you click on this link right now and sign up. Nothing to lose; much joy, potential partnership, wedding ceremonies, rugrats, and massive private school and college bills to gain: San Francisco Bay Area: If you were rejoicing on Nov 9, this talk is probably not aimed at you.

It will basically be like a live version of the blog, so bring your questions! The room is smallish, so if you want a seat, get your tickets quick — there are about 19 left. You saw a candidate who routinely insulted minorities, immigrants, handicapped people, and LGBT folks become President-elect of the nation. You saw a man who bragged about sexually assaulting women win the highest office in the land.

And you saw friends, family, and fellow Americans disregard all of that ugliness and vote for him anyway.

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If in the past week you have felt less safe; disrespected as a woman; in despair about the state of democracy; worried about the future of your self and country — I hear you. If you want to talk about stuff, just call In the meantime, even though something very strange has happened, worry is not going to help. The world keeps turning, and frankly it needs you.

So if you are not feeling tip-top, here are some ways to improve your resilience and bounce back, pronto:. There is nothing that changes your mood more reliably than exercise. So get out of the house and move — go for a run, do yoga, take an exercise class, or just enjoy a long walk. We humans are hypersocial creatures. Singles living alone are now the biggest demographic group in America, and nothing about the 6 million year history of hominin evolution prepared us for living by ourselves.

So get together with people. Organize a movie night, go watch sports together in a bar, go dancing, have a dinner party. Good company is healing. Which also explains why so many repressive cultures ban music think the Taliban or fundamentalist Iran. So grab your smartphone, fire up your Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music or Pandora, and listen to some seriously uplifting tunes. If said tunes make you dance, even better see 1 above.

Classical music is particularly powerful for me. Some pieces that get me going when I need to scrape myself off the floor: Yeah, just close your eyes and sit. For extra credit, do your best to clear your mind of thoughts. You do this by focusing on something other than random thoughts — say, the sensation of breath as it goes through your nostrils. Repeating an internal sounds also helps you focus. Just email me a beer instead.

Meditation is a form of mindfulness, but not the same thing. You can practice it all the time. Because, if you really think about it, all of your problems reside in the past or the future. Right now — this tiny sliver of a second constituting the present moment — is frankly too narrow to contain any problems. Feel the warmth of the water, the hardness of the plates, the slipperiness of the suds. Hear the sounds of splashing water, and the squeak of sponge on dish.

Which part of your foot hits the ground first?

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Which one is next? How do your legs feel as they alternately support and swing? What are your arms doing? As you do this, you may notice something: And then the next moment in time — still pretty good. And the next one? String together enough of these mindful moments, and you get whole days, months and years.

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This way, you can get through anything. One of the best ways to cheer yourself up is to help cheer other people up. Hey, why do you think I do this stuff? So call up a friend, offer to listen, go deliver a hug in person, send them this list, and otherwise make yourself useful. Could be your family, your health, your car that gets you around. Meditate on them, and deeply appreciate them in your life for 30sec each. Then go on with the rest of your day.

Dr. Ali Binazir, Happiness Engineer

Science shows that making this a daily or even weekly practice has measurable benefits for your long-term happiness. This really should have been at the top of the list; thanks to eagle-eyed reader Maria for bringing it to my attention. All of the things I just mentioned are free and available to you right now. Would be great to see them.

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Just call This is a really good time to meet new people. Why do you think the most number of kids are born in August? Anyway, there are 6 sessions in total. The remaining 2 sessions will be in And remember, the course is evergreen. All the material is online, and you can come back to it as often as you want, and join a live cohort whenever I have one. Hey, I hear ya. Things were probably rough even before they got rougher! We live in uncertain times. None of this is entirely new. And you know what? I have faith in you. And just so you can have even more faith in yourself, here are two resources straight from my secret stash that have been very useful to me:.

This is a daybook. You get an essay for every calendar day. The culmination of one love, one dream, one self, is the anonymous seed of the next.