Dating someone with a criminal record

Would you date a man with a criminal history? : AskWomen

The record may basically look "clean," but the life really isn't. I would never tolerate any theft charge nor conviction regardless of misdemeanor or felony. Personally I would look more at patterns and co relations with observed behavior. I have seen and experienced instances of over-zealous police as well, so I don't immediately character assissin just because someone has a charge, nor minor conviction on their "record.

Originally Posted by VedderisBetter. Did they do something dumb as a dumb kid fresh out of high school or were they shoplifting underpants last weekend?

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Arrest records are public now? I haven't personally viewed any arrest records. IME, doing criminal background checks on tenants, where there's a conviction, there's likely a lot more behind it, as it generally takes a lot to get convicted these days. All else being equal, at my age, I probably wouldn't date someone with a conviction record.

The most common in my generation and experience have been drug and DUI convictions, followed by related vehicular manslaughter killing someone while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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Originally Posted by d0nnivain. Last edited by LoveShack. Originally Posted by Gaeta. To me that's nothing. Didn't read the other responses. Having been once arrested for smoking pot, this is a joke. I was lucky enough to have my record sealed, but seriously? No one ever smokes pot when they are young and care free All times are GMT The time now is The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice.

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Would you ever date someone with a criminal record?

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Dating someone with an arrest record? I met Wes at my gym. We got talking and decided to go for a drink. Over the next three weeks we met numerous times.

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I was beginning to really like this guy. Then I found out via a mutual friend that he had been in prison! He had only been out 4 months! So, I asked him and yes it was true.

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  • Would you ever date someone with a criminal record? - GirlsAskGuys?

I was totally gutted, devastated. I have a responsible job in education and 2 teenage children, how could I carry on seeing him now? His crime was bad. I Googled him and there he was — a criminal. He too was disappointed with my decision, but understood.