Im 18 dating a 25 year old

If you're looking for something more long-term and serious, you might want to go for someone a bit older. In the last few years I'm 32 , I've dated women aged 20 - For me, I found the best age group in the range. Old enough to be mature, stable and established in career, but young enough to still be fun and full of energy! Yes, you're too old. I'm 25 as well and wouldn't date anyone younger than The drinking age is the cutoff for me assuming you live in the U. I would suggest against it. I've dated year old girls and there's nothing wrong with it. Those didn't last long. My current girlfriend was 18 when we started dating I was 25 , and we've been together for 9 months now, she's 19, I'm 26 now.

The fact that she's actually smart and mature about things is what made it different from the other girls her age. I still see places where she can grow confidence, responsibility, etc.. Dated with a 20 year old, and I'm 25 soon 26, she had her childish moments and point of view, not again that's for sure.. Yes you are too old. Imagine if it was your 18 year old sister or daughter with a 25 year old.

I'm 25, is it ok if I date an 18 year old?

It's creepy, date girls your own age, not children. That's a broad generalization, and sure there are going to be couples with that sort of age gap who work out, but I personally find it unsettling.

She's fresh out of high school, and he's several years past college age. There's probably going to be a significant gap in experience and maturity. My girlfriend and I live together with a 7 year age gap.

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Her father loves me because he knows and can tell I care as much about her as he does. But for me she was also the exception. Extremely mature for her age because her dad was the only parent and traveled almost non-stop to support them once she could take care of herself. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Is a 25 year old too old to date an 18 year old? : dating_advice

Any bashing, hateful attacks, or sexist remarks will be removed. You may also be permanently banned. You can state your opinion in a constructive manner. If asking a question on a specific situation, please include the age and gender of both parties. No pickup or PUA lingo please. This is a personal preference. Useful articles and videos are allowed. Memes and fluff content may be subject to removal.

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I'm 25, is it ok if I date an 18 year old? Dec 14, 1. Dec 14, 2.

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Redstriped , Dec 14, Dec 14, 3. Superfly , Dec 14, Dec 9, Messages: Dec 14, 4. You shouldn't even be interested in an 18 year old, you're both at two different stages of life. RubMyButthole , Dec 14, Dec 14, 5. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. I am a 25 year old guy dating an 18 year old girl. We haven't been involved sexually. I am a gentleman.

We were friends,but ended up dating. Someone help me out here. Is it ok, or not ok? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Dude it's fine, lighten up. The age gap isn't that dramatic, besides love knows no age - as long as it's legal and you two are happy all is well.