One of the reasons we know that the earth is less than 50, years old is because of the biblical record. Libby and the evolutionist crowd have assumed that all plant and animal life utilize carbon equally as they do carbon Live mollusks off the Hawaiian coast have had their shells dated with the carbon method. These test showed that the shells died years ago! This news came as quite a shock to the mollusks that had been using those shells until just recently. The list of non-compliant dates from this method is endless. Most evolutionists today would conclude that carbon dating is — at best — reliable for only the last to years.
There is another reason that carbon dating has yielded questionable results — human bias. In a blind study, using carbon dating for example, a person would send in a few quality control samples along with the actual sample to the laboratory.
ChemTeam: Half-life problems involving carbon
The laboratory analyst should not know which sample is the one of interest. In this way, the analyst could not introduce bias into the dating of the actual sample. In a double-blind study using an experimental drug study as an example , some patients will be given the experimental drug, while others will be given a placebo a harmless sugar pill.
Neither the patients nor the doctors while know who gets what.
This provides an added layer of protection against bias. Radiocarbon dates that do not fit a desired theory are often excluded by alleging cross-contamination of the sample. In this manner, an evolutionist can present a sample for analysis, and tell the laboratory that he assumes the sample to be somewhere between 50, years old and , years old.
Dates that do not conform to this estimate are thrown out.
Carbon 14 dating
Repeated testing of the sample may show nine tests that indicate an age of to 10, years old, and one test that shows an age of 65, years old. The nine results showing ages that do not conform to the pre-supposed theory are excluded. This is bad science, and it is practiced all the time to fit with the evolutionary model.
The Shroud of Turin, claimed to be the burial cloth of Christ, was supposedly dated by a blind test. Actually, the control specimens were so dissimilar that the technicians at the three laboratories making the measurements could easily tell which specimen was from the Shroud. Humans are naturally biased.
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We tend to see what we want to see, and explain away unwanted data. Perhaps the best description of the problem in attempting to use the Carbon dating method is to be found in the words of Dr. In , he wrote an article for the Anthropological Journal of Canada, in which stated: T he troubles of the radiocarbon dating method are undeniably deep and serious.
Despite 35 years of technological refinement and better understanding, the underlying assumptions have been strongly challenged, and warnings are out that radiocarbon may soon find itself in a crisis situation. Continuing use of the method depends on a fix-it-as-we-go approach, allowing for contamination here, fractionation there, and calibration whenever possible.
It should be no surprise then, that fully half of the dates are rejected. Alt version for sol'n 1 Since the half life of Carbon 14 is years, this means that after years there will only be 5 micrograms of Carbon 14 left in the fossilized plant: Alignments to Content Standards: Task Carbon 14 is a common form of carbon which decays over time.
Principal cosmogenic and uranium-thorium series radioisotopes
The half-life of Carbon 14, that is the amount of time it takes for half of the Carbon 14 to decay, is approximately years. Archaeologists use the exponential, radioactive decay of carbon 14 to estimate the death dates of organic material. The stable form of carbon is carbon 12 and the radioactive isotope carbon 14 decays over time into nitrogen 14 and other particles.
Carbon is naturally in all living organisms and is replenished in the tissues by eating other organisms or by breathing air that contains carbon. At any particular time all living organisms have approximately the same ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 in their tissues. When an organism dies it ceases to replenish carbon in its tissues and the decay of carbon 14 to nitrogen 14 changes the ratio of carbon 12 to carbon Experts can compare the ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 in dead material to the ratio when the organism was alive to estimate the date of its death.