Dating a bong girl

And, how wonderful they look in a sari! It feels as if the sari is made for Bengali girls. Indian weddings are grand, big, colourful, noisy and all about food and dance.

You dating a Bengali girl have fair chance of being part of a Bengali wedding, which can easily be termed as one of their grandest affairs. Bengali girls are sure not be the clingy girlfriend that you fear of. They are self reliant and independent.

8 Reasons Why You should Date A Bengali Girl

Under no circumstances would they try to curb your space or freedom, unless of course you try to be over-possessive. Expect a valuable relationship from a Bengali girl. It is very easy to make your Bengali girlfriend content. All you need to do is gift her a book. Diamonds, solitaire and platinum can take a backseat when there is a worthwhile book in front of her. You make her incredibly happy without having burnt a major hole in your pocket.

50 reasons a Bong girl will not marry you

So, who becomes the victim of this power sea-saw? She knows her culture and literature well and is likely to expect you to do the same, so that conversations can be intellectually stimulating but only that much which has been trending or adopted by the latest sensations. Never dare challenge her though, as she would finish reading the hitherto unread works before you can even complete speaking! There are three categories of Bong women. And each category considers its lifestyle to be the most liberating and empowered and is full of opinions and fiercely judgmental of the other s.

Kohl is a beauty statement to her and she firmly believes the thicker the kohl line, the smarter she looks!

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What conceptions of relationships do you have? Grandmothers and mothers call the shots to a large extent. If your mother is worried about the "bossy bangalan bahu, " then her worries are not unfounded. She should be very prepared for a brazen feminist who will say what she wants, be who she wants, and not care about classist, sexist uncle jis who object to that.

Don't drag the relationship further if you know your family cannot accommodate a woman like that. We are not used to a regressive setup, and we are not about to start now. Cultural chauvinism is kind of our thing, and we aren't sorry.

7. Her hands spell magic – Everyday

We come from the land of phuchka and Satyajit Ray , so it is natural that we are proud of our heritage and unafraid to show it. The very range of things Bengal is awesome at, be it food or cinema or literature, is proof. Our culture, being ridden with socialist guilt, is needed in today's world of narcissistic materialism. So, don't make us read Chetan Bhagat or watch trashy films. Don't shove your materialism in our face. Don't impose Hindi on our future babies, because they will get plenty of that through films and school anyway.

It is not our fault our language has words which have no equivalent in other languages.

8 Reasons Why You should Date A Bengali Girl

It is not our fault our biryani is delicious. It is not our fault our films are intelligent and well-made. Learn from our culture instead of ridiculing it. When you're dating a Bengali, expect a great deal of music to fill your life. Because most of us are trained singers, we understand, and listen to all kinds of music.

For us, sharing the words and tunes that resonate with our soul, with someone we are attracted to is like foreplay. Music, to us, is about deep connections.

ScoopWhoop: Things You Will Understand If You Have A Bengali Friend

This also applies to our families. If you're in it for the long haul with a Bengali, expect their family to randomly erupt in song.

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I mean, what else did you expect from people who hail from the land of Tagore? Every second relative knows how to sing, and even if they don't, they still love to sing. Those who don't, play an instrument.