E-25 matchmaking

Most premium tanks have lowered battle tiers. Been playing this game since beta days and yes, the complaints are often the same. But I think they are also well deserved. It simply doesn't have to be that way: Using XVM colors, blue and purple players should be fighting each other, not green and yellow players who should be fighting each other , etc. I just don't think devs are interested in leveling the playing field because it doesn't bring in as much money. After years of playing the game, I've come to the conclusion that unlike expectation that only a player's skills determines the fate of battle, there are in fact multiple parameters that affect skills outside of a player's control.

e25 match maker - Tank Destroyers - World of Tanks official forum

Periods of 1 shot kills or ammo racks or continuous losses or wins Those are not player controlled but MM manipulated. For example, the higher the win rate of a tank the more chances of getting into winning battles. It is one reason high stats players play low tiers in platoons: Finally, every so often the devs make bigger tweaks than others and change the game's playing dynamics, forcing players to adjust their play style. More recently they increased track repair time which makes it very difficult to recover against 2 tanks or auto-loaders when tracked. Or they modify a tank's parameter.

For example, a new premium tank is introduced and for months it's the new terror of the game until enough are sold, then its parameters are toned down to be like all other tanks. The devs first tested this sales tactic with the Chinese Type 59 years ago. It garners enough excitements from wins and frustrations from losses to get players hooked on it. It's also an expense side kick Despite having a maths degree and 5 other science based degrees!

In terms of matchmaking though IMO and experience, a great player in a bottom tier tank can have a greater effect on the overall performance of the team than a crap player in a top tier tank. MM based on the tank alone means a top tier tank has an increased weighting than the average but if it has a cannon-fodder type commander player then that weighting is rendered to a lower effect, thus an increased chance of loss.

To be fair to WG, it must be much harder to hammer out the MM than it is to make the game itself. Despite fifteen years at uni and I wouldn't know where to start with it! Still, great game though! What makes this company respond to anything at all. Is this company about making a buck?

I'd say they just want to make a buck As someone that bought the KV-5 on release day, I completely agree with the money-back option. Good luck getting a dime back from WG. You agreed to WGs terms of service with them stating any fees are not refundable. When did they nerf income of premium tanks? If they did that, they screwed paying customers…. Never seeing Tier 10 is such a relief. Instead of removing pref. MM, they should make pref. They know how to do it they just refuse to.


Bad idea all around in my opinion. They are slightly weaker yes. But they have special mm. Well worth the trade in the current mm system. There is no tier 8 prem you can take and not get absolutely farmed game after game in tier 10 matches. The whole reason why the pref mm tanks are so good now is because you are almost always top tier. And if someone argues is6 is not good. Fuck off with your bs. I play it constantly to grind credits and farm everyone in every game.

The only thing that is actually hard to deal with is the is3 and defender. Same goes for the The wz is a bit weaker but still more than useable. Kv5 is weaker than it should be. But at the same time when top tier you are impervious. The rear armour is retarded.

E25 Review/Guide, 4k Damage and 8 Spots Gameplay

Also the pen might be bad but you have insane dpm. This tank is too punishing for you against higher tiers but way too powerful against lower tiers. Same for the t54 mod 1 btw. Super persh is still garbage.

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But similar to the kv5 against lower tiers it can really farm. Higher pen to be able to deal with higher tiers. Increase RoF and gun handling. Maybe a slight increase in mobility too so it is more on par with something like t44 Until you fix tier 8 mm there is no way you can buff these enough to justify them meeting tier 10 in every single game. The problem with current premium mm tanks are they are too punishing to lower tiers and useless against higher tier. A few years ago they change the mechanic of credit and xp. As a rezult we get fewer xp and credit income.

For outstanding game it was above k. So to the xp. My best result as base xp is now althogh i play better is not moore than xp. I have no interest in playing against fucking tier 10 tanks with tier 8 tanks.

  • E 25 - Global wiki. www.thelongevityrevolution.com;
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  • Did the E lose its special matchmaking? - Tank Destroyers - World of Tanks official forum;

I would like to ask a very simple question if war gaming have been talking about removing preferential MM, and they have been for quite some time, then why the hell are there 6 preferential tanks in the premium right now?? Surely you must first remove from sale and then try to fix the so called problem any thing else is just a rip of. I have almost all the tier 8 pref mm vehicles and i bought the for the sole purpose of not having to play against tier That was the entire advertised idea with those tanks. Most of those tanks have been collecting dust in the garage for a while now, because of the new mm screwing over the pref mm.

I say scam because the have sold them for ages without addressing the issue and continue to sell them even now, even the tanks they removed from shop, they sell from time to time for their rarity and pref. My situation and surely others as well i also own almost all the other non-pref. Whatever they will do with these tanks will only make the situation worse. Good luck not getting one shot by s.

The whole thing is a scam. They could just remove them from the shop and just leave them untouched. But they are still selling these tanks at this very moment although they already know the new owners will get screwed in a few months. Skip to content Close Search for: Hopefully if it gets changed it will get better… Loading Best joke i heared this year so far Loading They just need to nerf the reload to compen sate for the 20 extra alpha Loading Perhaps my KV-5 will finally be semi-functional!

I forsee a lot of angry players if they remove pref mm on tanks people paid money for.