Clan war matchmaking process

Any advice or detailed explanations on the new matchmaking updates would be appreciated greatly!! April 6th, 2. Originally Posted by LiamTheEngineer. What is the best way to arrange bases post update to ensure that you get a fair an even match up? April 6th, 3. Originally Posted by Ripple At the top top of this forum, pinned, is a frequently asked question post. That should give you some direction. The real answer is, there is nothing you can do except fielding an all max th11 to guarantee avoiding engineers. April 6th, 4. Btw that flagging system you mentioned in the OP is not true as it was clearly pointed by Darian himself in a video.

If you run a common line-up you will be matched with what you have. For us the matchings have been good so far with some occassional mismatchs.


If you put any engineered base including. In such a case the one which is better engineered and skilled wins. What I have also noticed is, defence heavy bases are not usually considered engineered but they are surely not considered rushers either. April 6th, 5.

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Sure there is nothing wrong with the. IT's and EA maybe not however several that I follow recommend dropping even those as it is more about the number of defenses you have not the level of defense.

That is the route I'm taking just a few more AC's to upgrade and I will have enough to start warring with th11's. Then I will find out for myself. If you're not smarter than the guy you're dealing with you lose. You failed to utilize the most effective strategy by not using the most available resources to affect your outcome. I play to win.

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You play to see how tough you are. Defeat the enemy anyway you can.

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Do they have any plans of working on this problem? Nice that Supercell still can come up with excuses for why they continue to not get things right.

New Matchmaking Process

New war matching algorithm still gives us bad match ups except now they take 4 to 10 times longer. Great article, and link. A LOT of info to process. My main question is what is an acceptable engineering score before you should consider making changes to the war line up?

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  8. Another thing I think supercell should address is when the clan is spread across levels. We have th6 to th They are not engineered, but if we want to war over 10 players, we need to include our th6. They should start to include the power potion in the count, I have a third account , which I use the power potion to play like a max Not sure it is fair… opinion? The trick now is upgrade your base. Since we have left the engineer tactic and have strong bases, we get match fairly. We win or lose depending on how good we are. They play better, they win. I do not believe you. Have been waiting over 90 minutes so far and no match.

    If it is going to take this long each time we war, then to H with this game. Besides, I pity the poor suckers who still have faith in Supercell. This new war matching will end up being worse than before. War Matchmaking times vary from a couple of hours to more than a few days — even with very little wars 5 v5.

    About engineered bases… we were losing a lot of wars against engineered clans so I built a th6 engineered. The New Vipers, have had 41 successive wars matched against more th11s than us. Here is the typical behavior pattern of those cheaters: War starts, within first hours enemy makes attacks which often fails.

    Then no enemy attacks for the next hours but they watching most of your attacks. I notice this pattern at every war against location China, seems to me they are the master cheaters but in general many others follow the same pattern which I believe is a strong indication for mods usage war simulation cheats.

    Without war what is the use of playing coc. How long do you let the search run before you restart? Have you tried searching at a different time? What size are you looking for?

    Guide to Clan Wars matchmaking in Clash of Clans

    Would you rather like to get mismatched and war against a clan that rips you in pieces? The algorithm marks lopsided bases — that means that the level of defense is not matching the level of offense, nothing else. The more this gap is, the more likely the base will pull down your clans chances to get a fair match and the more likely you will get matched against a clan with many engineered bases.

    I simply set a timer, and get on and if we have no opponent, i will reset the Search.

    Want to add to the discussion?

    Anytime i fail to reset and time goes over mins is when we get a MisMatch. Sometimes to our benefit, but usually its a bad Matchup for us! Thanks for all your hard work!! You might also want to check if there are rushed bases in the lineup, they also tend to mess up with your matchmaking. Those wars are all logged by cocp. Great site, I use it all the time.

    Not very well researched. How can that sight see weight of clan, when not at war? All in all complete rubbish. By the way, I never had this error myself though several others here did. Also, why are you interested in seeing it when not going to war?! Those that already have engineered, would be limited to the th offensive troops available to the defense they have achieved.

    So, an engineered th11 with lvl 50 heroes may be reduced to lvl 30 for war same as troops. This would balance war based on defense and troop levels would be balanced down to match for war. Would make it fun again. What do you mean is not working? It says internal error. They need to go by town hall level that will stop the abuse as first level to choosing matches. And people should wait for a good match without complaining. I have been ready to quit after starting my clan 3 years ago.

    How about we got 5 max queens and we only had 1. That needs to changed too.