Dating someone 13 years older than you

You moved closer to him! By your choice or did he encourage you? Means you are more into him. You say he is sometimes too busy for you? He sounds like a handyman of sorts. So why this excuse as far as him being available for you? I will say being with an older man will teach you a lot. But, I think you need to let this go. If you are ever going to have someone in your life, your children come first until they have started their own life. Lisa, thank you for your brutal honesty!

I didnt move closer to him, i moved closer to work. I was driving over an hour to work and back each day and we have only been together 8 and a half months. Im not looking for marriage.

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I just went through a bad dovorce about 2 years ago. He isnt a handyman is is a contractor that did some remodel work for my boss. Therefore he works crazy hours and is busy all the time, yet he still does make time for me. But i sense what you are saying and i think yall are right, thanks so much!

  • What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man | PairedLife.
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Just reading this Laci, would really like to know how this faired out for you. I really can relate here. Mail will not be published required: You may use these HTML tags and attributes: The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except as expressly permitted in writing by A New Mode, Inc. Dating a man 13 years older. Fortunately the stint of investment banking in a foreign country kicked his ass into doing a hell of a lot of growing up. He would admit to this too, btw: I'm not just saying it.

Without that, I think we would have become incompatible over the next decade. I can speak a bit about this issue because my brother is twenty years old than his wife. My brother started dating young women naturally when he was 20 but as he got older, his new girlfriends remained more or less the same age.

This may seem relatively unimportant but it does have some importance as the relationship develops. When I make certain cultural references to my partner who is more or less my age she gets them straight away. I can remember my brother having issues with one of his previous girlfriends when she did not. The second issue is friends. His friends are his age, her friends are her age, so they have far less in common when they get together.

His current and longest-lasting relationship is with his current wife. But he was around 50 when the first was born.

What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man

He had no experience of or interest in children. He had been a lousy uncle to mine. He has turned out to be a poor father YMMV. Two of his certainly are Asperger's. Finally, at his age, he will be 80 when the youngest finishes college. Health issues are already very much there in his case and will only get worse.

None of this should put you off. YMMV and, anyway, the most important thing is if you love and care for one another. But they are issues you be thinking of. It's not so much that after 4 dates I think we'll for sure end up together, but my purpose in dating is figuring out who I'm going to marry, so I want to figure this out ASAP You are twenty-two years old, woman. If you go into any potential liason with the same attitude that you would have if you were renting a car to decide whether to buy it, your dating life is going to seem more serious and more fraught than it ever needs to be.

You're writing about this guy in a way that suggests you're working out how much the maintenance is going to cost you down the road. Take a deep breath and choose your partners based on how they make you feel and how they treat you more than a tick-list of Potential Husband Material criteria. I'm not wishing to sound patronising, but people change a lot during their twenties, and the person who seems right for you at 22 might not by My sister started dating her husband at Was married at He turned 40 last year.

They are so incredibly happy. Good relationships can be hard to come by. Just my two cents. My family really liked him, once they met him. Maybe it was a little odd, not sure. It wasn't for me. Some of his family thought maybe I could be some sort of gold-digger We met at work, so, it wasn't a weird bar pickup thing there, either.

Dating someone older than you is totally the way forward | Metro News

We knew we were similar in a lot of social views, and had fun together, and went from there. We've been together 15 years, married for eight. I've been with my partner for 8 years, and there's a 17 year age difference. I'll agree with the other posters who caution that at 22 you may be getting ahead of yourself in seeing this as a potential marriage relationship, and for the record, I was 31 when I met my partner. But I'll answer your primary question.

There are some long term issues with an age difference. You may find yourself dealing with elder care issues much sooner that your peers. My partner's parents were quite elderly when we met, and they both passed away in the last five years. At one point my partner moved in with his dad to take care of him I still had my own apartment then. Lots of time was spent in hospitals and nursing homes, dealing with doctors, then eventually planning funerals and settling estates.

I can only imagine how much more difficult it would have been if we had been married with kids at the time. There is such a thing as a mid-life crisis. The fact that you will be at very different life and professional stages when it happens for both you and him can make them tricky to navigate. I haven't dealt with too much in the way of family negative reactions, but there was some initial weirdness meeting his friends. I don't think they knew what to make of me.

Why Do Women Choose Older Men?

It was less of an issue with my friends, because my circle spans a wider age range anyway. I think a lack of common points of cultural reference might be an issue for some couples. It hasn't been a big issue in my relationship, but that's primarily due to luck and temperament.

Do you think GAG should combine these topics?

There are huge swaths of cultural touch points that we don't share. All that said, I'm in a pretty wonderful relationship that I wouldn't trade for the world. This 43 year old will tell you that 35 is practically dead. Put another way, it depends. I'm 43 going on It depends on the guy and a lot of other factors. Date for a while. Don't worry about the future yet. When I was 23, I met the man who would be my husband. We have been together for 10 years, married for 5. Ipsum did quite a bit of partying in his 20s, and by the time he reached his 30s, he was done with staying out late.

If I were a partier in my 20s, I might have felt like I was missing out by being with him, but I was always more of a "homebody" so we both enjoyed the same simple dates: My husband had never dated a younger woman prior to me - his previous girlfriends had been older than him. And at first he was hesitant about asking me out, but he felt that I was pretty mature for my age, and once he even referred to me as "23 going on He was working in his chosen career, and I was just starting graduate school while working at a job I didn't like in order to pay tuition.

But I don't think it negatively affected the relationship at all. And I think the age difference matters less as you get older. The difference between 22 and 35 might seem like a lot.

But between 40 and 53, it's not that much. I married someone with about that much age difference. This is not really a thing I think about or care about. But then I'm much older than you, and I've dated several thousand people, and had a number of serious relationships, and I know what I like and who I'd want to marry. But then, another data point, so did a family member of the previous generation, and I just went to her spouse's funeral.