Dating another woman while married

But the lady wants her price and if that man is willing to give it is an extra marital affair in the eyes of society which amounts to infidelity or cheating if they are getting cosy in their relationship — but it is apparently a win win situation for both of them.

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This situation too is not very different from the previous one. Only the subject matter of desire has changed. The married man is coveting a fast career growth and he comes across a woman who could be powerful, older or both and helps the person to move up in the organisation or the industry. Consider a man who hails from a very modest background. Starting from the poorest strata of the society, he has used all his energy to educate himself, make a decent career.

He has moved from a village or a small town to a metro town where is now seeking to establish himself with an idea of making a handsome income and carving a place for himself.

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But most striking aspect of his life is that he lacks connections to establish an identity. The answer to his prayers comes in the form of a woman who not only is well connected but can also be the one who is more caring, compromising and understanding towards the man. There is excellent communication between them leading to a good rapport. She caring, compromising and understanding towards the man.

The Truth About Dating A Married Man - David Wygant

Of course, if left unchecked it will lead to a love affair and an extra marital affair. The most important foundation of a marriage or the relationship is mutual trust. Both the partners are totally in commitment to each other. Character and faithfulness are the flavors of the mutual trust. Hell can break loose if one discovers that the other partner is cheating.

Will a Man Leave His Marriage for the Other Woman?

How the husband reacts to such a situation depends on a number of situational, psychological and social factors. But in a relationship that is suffering, the desire to hurt the partner who is cheating seems to be one of the options available to the husband. He tries to seek a revenge by himself doing exactly the same — as he thinks it is OK to counter one wrong with another wrong. Quite a few married men can justify this as the main cause of their extra marital affairs.

Consider the situation or circumstances where the married man meets a lady and is bowled over totally by not just one but by the combination of many of the reasons given above. It could be her beauty, her personality, her brain, her social status, some mysterious charm of her and he wants her to be a part of his life now. Considering the points mentioned above, whether the need is emotional or financial or it just infatuation or fun or excellent compatibility or serious filling of the emotional void but one is willing to have and other partner can provide then there is a fit case of a married man falling in love with other woman.

This aptly explains why married men get charmed by other woman. Not only they fall head over heels but there are apparently many gains by both the partners — at least till the relationship lasts. It is better in the interest of all and from a long term point of view that there is no cheating. These reasons are just a few but important ones.

Reasons Why Married Men Fall in Love with Other Woman

You are free to add more reasons in the comments box below. Marriage, Love and Care When you were getting married, you and your spouse took vows to care for each other. This perhaps happens in all systems, religions and…. Sometimes the break up happens faster than you can even realize that it has happened. While the breaking up could be easy, but it is not so easy…. To begin with, here is an honest message for you. So are you dating a divorced man or someone close to you is dating a divorced man? Well it is hoped that you know that there is a difference between dating a divorced man and dating a man who has […].

Are you comfortable discussing money with your spouse or significant other? Money is a taboo topic for many, including people in romantic relationships. Even so, there are 6 money questions everyone should ask […]. I met this man though a common friend and realised that he was the one for me. Being a wife and a mother, it isn't correct on my part to be dating a married man and giving up on my marriage, but I think our ultimate goal in life is to be happy, isn't it? What's the use of being in a relationship that gives you pain and suffering?

The emotional turmoil While some women dating married men may find happiness eventually, most of these relationships end up leaving you feeling lonely, used and neglected. A relationship exists because of mutual trust and commitment.

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In extra-marital affairs, you can't expect to get any of these. Most women know it by instinct, but not surprisingly many fall for it.

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You may find yourself alone more often than you'd like because his family will always come first. Moreover, if he is cheating on his wife to be with you, what's going to stop him from cheating on you? I met her even before I got married and proposed to her. But she said she wasn't in love with me. So, I didn't tell my parents about her and they fixed my marriage with another girl. Gradually, she realised that she loved me, but it was too late to call off the wedding. I am happy with my marriage, but can't forget my ex.

I continue to meet her even today and I still love her. I am in a dilemma, but I can't divorce my wife as it would be very embarrassing for my family," says Gaurav Mehrotra name changed on request , 30, working as a sales manager in Indore. Mostly, in such relationships, the people involved are quite vulnerable. So, there's also a chance that the person can emotionally abuse you as you are emotionally dependent on him," explains Dr.

The challenges ahead Dating a married man has a likelihood of being a failure and leading to a dead end, if he's not even contemplating on leaving his wife. Even if he is actually thinking about filing a divorce, you would still have to live with the guilt of being responsible for ruining a family. Gayatri, 33, a home-maker confesses, "I am in love with a married man who lives in my neighbourhood. My husband is usually not in town as work keeps him busy. I feel ignored and lonesome. I share a very intimate relationship with my neighbour and he has even assured me that we would find a way and be together, but whenever I insist on taking a decision, he keeps postponing the idea.

I am in a dilemma as I am very attached to him at present. However, since such relationships lack commitment; it leads to insecurity and complications in the future. So, it is advisable to keep oneself away from the same," adds Dr Khurana. If you are dating a committed man and want to get out of the situation, here are some tips to help you Don't limit yourself to him as there may be plenty of opportunities to meet an eligible man who can love you truly and morally. A man who truly loves you would not want you to go though countless sacrifices just to be with you. Don't forget the reality that he is married.

At the end of the day, he goes back home to be with his wife, while you are left feeling lonely. Think about your family, your loved ones and realise that they deserve your time and love much more than him. Share your problem with someone you can trust. But remember that noone can help you unless you want to help yourself. Don't always believe what he tells you, for he may be just taking advantage of your weaknesses. Focus on your career and try to keep yourself busy with activities that interest you.

Don't loose faith in yourself. As the old adage goes, it's better late than never to make a new beginning. Don't be responsible for ruining his marriage. You wouldn't like your husband to be dating another woman either. Don't let your emotions dominate your decisions. You may only end up hurting yourself. But honey, you've got to know that almost never happens. He may tell you that you're the one he really wants to be with and that he doesn't want to stay with his wife, but the vast majority of the time he'll just be saying that to keep you with him a little bit longer. A married man who is willing to cheat on his wife will clearly say anything to convince another woman she's doing nothing wrong by being with him.

He's not beneath telling you how horrible his wife is or that they fight constantly and he just can't take her drama and abuse any longer.