Dating married boss

He called up opposing counsel to talk about the case.

Ask Wendy: Dating the Boss!

For the record, let it be noted that this particular opposing counsel has the reputation of being horribly inappropriate. My attorney was mortified. When he told me ths story, he heavily sanitized it with all kinds of metaphors, but I knew what he was talking about. Jennifer November 18, , I think you should quit this job or move to another department before this thing blows up in your face. You have acted inappropriately. Your boss could go to HR if you continue to act inappropriately.

Do you want that to happen? Do you want to go home and tell your husband why you lost your job? Or do you plan to lie to him about it? Get your shit together. Your job and your reputation is at stake. You are a grown, married woman. Start acting like it. Lyra November 18, , You need to learn how to draw boundaries. This is lust, plain and simple. If you have even an ounce of respect for your husband, you will distance yourself from your boss, find a new job, and recommit to your marriage.

Essie November 18, , When I first read this, I thought the OP was saying she was Which sounded about right to me, given the wildly immature behavior. Your boss reacted the way he did when you told him your feelings because he was shocked and embarrassed, not because he has the same feelings. God, I could never face the man again after making such a fool of myself. And yes, WWS about the therapy.

I’m Dating My Older Married Boss

Please, go talk this out with someone who can help you understand why this was such completely inappropriate behavior. TaraMonster November 18, , Small point of contention. From what I surmised, LW is total whack job who made him massively uncomfortable. Again, this is just how I read it, but he may have seen LW as a good friend and colleague and was unaware of her feelings, and once he was made aware, he stopped talking to her about super personal stuff.

LW is dangerously close to bunny boiler territory, IMO.

Possible Perils of Flirting With the Boss

I have this same impression of the boss. What does that even mean. I deeply care for you. Let me stick my care all deep up in you. He once asked me how my weekend went and I told him about one of my really really crappy dates back in October. No one really should talk about their sex life at work. He is being equally as inappropriate. I would be livid if my husband talked about our sex life to a female coworker. Yeah I would be really creeped out if my boss started doing that with me.

There are plenty of other things he can talk about with out going there.

'I'm Having A Passionate Affair With My Married Boss'

I would immediately and violently throw up all over my boss if he ever said something like that to me. As you are job hunting, please stay away from any job where married men work. You obviously have no clue how to appropriately interact with someone who is clearly rejecting you and your advances.

You have officially entered that category of women not to be trusted around my husband. Whether the boss cheats or not has nothing to do with this LW, you know? Definitely agree with you. I trust my husband around any women, including ones like this. Because I know if they made a pass at him, he would either a not notice or b not follow through with any offers she makes. And if this boss was my husband, I could definitely see him coming home and telling me about the whack job he works with.

My Boss Is Married And I'm Dating, I'm Still In Love With Him | AkkarBakkar

I definitely agree with you — but there is something extra gross about what this LW is doing. But if you trust your husband, you should trust him even if an inappropriate woman comes his way. Yeah I guess this LW is so gross I blurred those two issues. Also because you look older, what with all the wrinkles and gray and saggy sagginess going on…. Funny you should say that, last year on my birthday I promised myself I would buy myself botox for this birthday to get rid of this dumb forehead wrinkle I have.

But then this year came around and I thought of a bunch of other stuff I wanted to buy myself. I really think 26 is gonna be my jam. I was planning on getting Botox for my 30th for the exact same wrinkle! They may have changed that though, cause I looked into it a few years ago.

How to Tell if Your Boss Is Flirting With You

So if you get a few friends together to split 20 vials you can all get some. And you would never want to administer it yourself, a doctor would do it. Addie Pray November 18, , 2: Did i tell you about my ex boyfriend whose dad was a ENT doc? He had lots of access to botox. And the boyfriend had a twitch in his eye so his dad zapped it….

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  • Flirting With the Boss.

He looked so lopsided that he had to go back and have his dad zap the other eye. SpaceySteph November 18, , 3: I do trust my husband. If he cheats its totally on him, but she is disrespectful to our marriage for saying these things and I want to keep people who would disrespect my family, away from my family. Its like the thing about diets, you know? Addie Pray November 18, , 4: I was just thinking of that same analogy! But I dunno, I just feel like if he is going to be even remotely tempted to cheat, that would happen eventually, whether this woman shows up or not.

But, no, I get what you and thatgirl are saying. Even the most loyal husband may have a hard time resisting her. Marital infidelity sounds like a good weekend plan. Cupcakes are delicious and make me happy. Cheating on my spouse is disgusting and would make me feel guilty. Maybe if we were talking about some gross food, like brussel sprouts? You can always go on a run to burn off the calories. GatorGirl November 18, , 8: Yes, exactly what you both said.

There are so many inappropriate things going on with this relationship. Look for a new job. Especially with no intention of actually pursuing him? What was it meant to achieve? Grow up and get a new job and work on your marriage. Copa November 18, , MissyC November 18, , Second, do you share these same feelings for your husband? Because if not, perhaps this is a good time to examine whether you want to put in the effort to revitalize your marriage.