Susan campbell dating jesus

Her empathy for abused children shows up frequently in her columns. She knows firsthand about the shame and secrecy and anguish such children suffer. And she is furious over the way some pedophiles get away with their activities because they hold prominent positions, and authorities choose to look the other way.

She is public about what happened to her because she knows that breaking the silence is crucial to bringing about justice and healing.


For years, all that horror was buried deep within her, but now she has a platform to speak out. And speak out she does! Not only about child abuse, but about the innumerable challenges in our world today—especially for young girls. Article initially published in Christian Feminism Today Vol. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. CFT publishes original content. Our writer's guidelines are here. Unauthorized duplication or reproduction of the material on this website, without express written permission, is prohibited.

Please contact the website administrator with questions. With a history dating from , we are an international organization of women and men who believe that the Bible supports the equality of the sexes.

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We are Christian feminists. Sunday, January 20, An Interview with Rev. Mourning the Loss of Dr.

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Katie Cannon, Womanist Theologian. Making Peace with an Evolving Faith. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here. You have entered an incorrect email address! Liz Theoharis , The Reverend Dr. The More of Less. Holy Sexuality and the Gospel.


When I Spoke in Tongues. The Future Is Open. The Monkey Is the Messenger. Start Where You Are. The Mushroom in Christian Art. Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary. Living with the Gods. Where Buddhism Meets Neuroscience. The Power of Love. A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle. Library Journal - February 1, Campbell writes of trying to be good and gain heaven, but even as a young girl she revels in small acts of subversiveness and continually asks questions that are never answered satisfactorily.

Campbell knows her subject well and hopes through this book to keep a dialog open about such issues as the role of women in the church and in the world and to refocus attention upon the teachings of Christ-unfiltered. She notes that Christ's teachings are truly egalitarian in their attitude and 'downright revolutionary. The Joplin Globe - January 23, Eventually, she concludes that she spent years seeking a relationship with a version of Jesus she didn't believe in.

Dating Jesus

Girl With Pen - January 21, The Middletown Press - January 20, Mother Jones - January 1, An exception is Susan Campbell. Jane Ciabattari, More magazine - December 31, Her writing is striking for the compassion with which she views her younger self, a fledgling believer confined in a cage of man-made rules. Hartford Courant - December 14, This is troublesome, because I am trying to do the right thing--and, incidentally, avoid hellfire. I have walked to the front of my fundamentalist Christian church this Sunday morning to profess my love for Jesus and be buried with him in the baptismal grave.

I will rise and walk anew, a new Christian, a good girl-- not sinless, but perfect nevertheless. But this damn bubble is getting in the way. It is Satan, come to thwart me. I am a fundamentalist. I know that in order to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus, I must be immersed completely in the water, be it in a baptismal font, like this overly large bathtub-type model at the front of my church, or in the swimming pool at Green Valley Bible Camp, where I go every summer, or in a river, or anywhere where the water will cover me completely.

I must be buried, figuratively speaking, because that is how Jesus did it with his cousin, John the Baptizer, in the river Jordan. Had I died at birth, I would have shot back to God in heaven like a rocket.

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And here Satan has floated up in a bubble beneath the thick white robe, and so I am not, technically speaking, completely immersed. My head is under. One hand is clenching my nose shut and the other is crossed over my chest, half the posture of a corpse in a casket.

We worry about such things. A ceremonial joining-together only makes sense. I am thirteen when I decide to make it official. I meant no harm.

Dating Jesus | A blog companion to the book by Susan Campbell

I just loved Jesus. He made me feel happy. Our families were close. I went to his house three times a week, sat in his living room, listened to his stories, loudly sang songs to him. Our relationship was inevitable, and it seemed the simplest thing imaginable to declare my love. And so on this bright and terrible Sunday morning I nervously slide out of my pew to walk up the aisle during the invitation song, the tune we sing after the preacher gives his sermon. The invitation song is a time of relief for those who think the preacher has gone on too long, and a time of trepidation for the sinners who are paying attention.

And I am a sinner.

Susan Campbell Live: GETTING REAL - What if it doesn't work?

I know that as assuredly as I know Jesus loves me. I am trying to live my life to meet the impossible ideal of perfection set for me exactly 1, years earlier by my boyfriend.