Dating a man who is friends with his ex wife

If she is your ex then she needs to be your ex.

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Understanding they have children together but why is she calling about every little thing with the kids. These kids are old enough to call their dad if they have problems, she seems to call about everything non urgent or important.

Like one of the kids are were hurting at 3am but they ended up being okay and went back to sleep, just thought I would tell you. I don't want to sound like a jealous ninny but it is really frustrating when you are trying to spend time together or alone and all of the sudden there is a voicemail or text message about NOTHING important!

Maybe it's because they were together for so long that it is hard to break old habbits?? But it almost feels like he has two relationships going on.

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I don't think it's petty. He obviously doesn't understand the concept of letting go. And, neither does she. And, I have a feeling, it's gonna be you. That's a bunch of BS! My ex and I have 3 kids.

How is it dating someone who is still close to his ex-wife? - guyQ by AskMen

We are together a lot of times. However, he rarely calls me. And, I rarely call him. But, we still manage to co-parent very effectively. I don't know what to tell you to do Yup, he has two relationships going, and he will until you refuse to put up with it anymore.

Should You Stay Friends With An Ex?

But recognize that this is a battle you cannot win--if he doesn't mind it, and he is getting some positive reinforcement from the interaction with his ex, you are the bad guy if you bring it up. You still have a choice: They are a package deal. I totally get what you're saying. I'm kind of in the same kind of situation only I don't have any children of my own. He has a little girl with his ex who is 6 yrs old and we have been in a relationship for 5 months.

I completely trust him but am annoyed by his ex. She is constantly texting him. I feel too that she talks to him more than I do.

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For now I feel that I need to sit back and see how he handles all this but if we end up having a future together then him and I are going to have to have a little pow wow where boundaries are set about this woman controlling our lives. Am here to testify what this great spell caster done for me. You have been in his life for three months and you exct him to stop being friends with his ex? If they ate friends and not having sex, then what is the issue?

She was there before you, they have kids together, while you have been w.

Men Who Are Friends With Their Ex-Wives Make Me Nervous

If you ask him to give up on his bff, he may do it, but he will resent you for trying to control his life. He may even be friends with her behind your back. If they still got along, still cared about each other, and both loved their kid -- why not plow through whatever rough patch they hit? I began to wonder, frankly, if they'd just gotten divorced out of boredom, or maybe because the baby had put a crimp in their sex life. Which made me wonder if this guy was the type who was gonna flee when the going got a little tough.

More From The Stir: Of course, there's no way I could know everything. And he could have been concealing some vital information since we were still early days. Maybe she had an affair. Maybe she was a drug addict. I never asked the reasons for his divorce, I felt it was too early for that, but he volunteered that at some point he felt like he was living with a "friend" instead of a lover. Doesn't everyone feel like that eventually?

Especially after a baby, when everyone is tired and overwhelmed? If you want to date someone who nuzzles their ex at dinner parties in front of you, be my guest. I have healthy self-esteem, I really do. For me, being friends with your ex is messy and complicated. It leaves so many stories unfinished and ends uncut.

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I prefer to have my romantic relationships centered around me: It reminds me too much of Ross and Rachel and many, many other TV characters like them: The delicacy of a new relationship is too evident for me to start it off with feelings of jealousy or distrust. If you want to be best friends with your ex , you go ahead and do that.