Dating for mental health

Keep up the great work! Our site is the only one online that serves the specific niche audience of those with a diagnosed mental illness.

Mental Illness and Dating Panel

By creating this inclusive community our users can rest assured that each user on the site is sensitized to the particular challenges of managing a mental illness. The site was established in and since then has been operated by a single individual with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. This is not a faceless corporation but instead a kind community with a leader passionate about improving the lot of its users.

Not a Member yet? Register and Confirm Basic Information. Beyond sexual health, Jessica says: I used to get so caught up in anxiety that I wasn't good enough for the guy, that I'd done something to offend him, or that he was lying to me about how much he cared. I've worked hard to build my confidence and address some of this anxiety over the last year, but I still struggle at times with texting — the 'what if' train of thought is the worst.

The Realities Of Dating When You're Struggling With Your Mental Health | Grazia

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the focus for this year is around the importance of good relationships. We asked psychotherapist Imi Lo from Eggshell Therapy how young women dealing with mental health issues can make romantic relationships work for them. It's ok to gain emotional support and understanding, but if you lean on them to rescue you from how you feel, that's going to make the relationship tough,' she says. You may have transferred painful feelings about your past — maybe an ex-partner or someone who's hurt you — onto this new person who you don't know much about.

What It's Really Like Dating Someone With Anxiety And Depression

Take a step back, take a few deep breaths, and ask yourself "Am I reacting to what is right in front of me, or am I reacting to an assumption? This helped me to open up and talk to her about the problems I was having. It turned out that she had faced her own mental health problems in the past, so she was really understanding.

What You Need to Know About Dating While Mentally Ill: A Guide By Mentally Ill Women

She encouraged me to go and speak to someone professional about what I was going through and to not feel stupid about it. I knew my boyfriend was the perfect guy for me when, before we even became official, I told him about my anxiety and depression. One day he was speaking to my dad and he said he would come over and help with my CV, so he came over and helped me to improve [it] and I told him about my learning difficulties and struggles throughout my school life.

Then he asked me out on a date to the cinema.

6 Tips for Dating Someone with a Mental Illness