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On the other hand, more tolerant and liberal Jews embrace interfaith marriage as an enriching contribution to a multicultural society. Regardless of attitudes to intermarriage, there is now an increasing effort to reach out to descendants of intermarried parents, each Jewish denomination focusing on those it defines as Jewish ; [39] secular and non-denominational Jewish organisations have sprung up to bring the descendants of intermarried parents back into the Jewish fold.

  • Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews.
  • The Jewish fear of intermarriage.
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In some cases, children of a Jewish parent were raised in the non-Jewish parent's religion while maintaining a sense of Jewish ethnicity and identity. In Christian—Jewish relations, interfaith marriage and the associated phenomenon of Jewish assimilation are a matter of concern for both Jewish and Christian leaders.

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A number of Progressive Christian denominations have publicly declared that they will no longer convert Jews. They have made use of dual-covenant theology.

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Many Israeli Jews oppose mixed relationships, [49] particularly relationships between Jewish women and non-Jewish Arab men. A opinion survey found that more than half of Israeli Jews believed intermarriage is equivalent to "national treason". A group of 35 Jewish men, known as " Fire for Judaism ", in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Pisgat Ze'ev started patrolling the neighborhood in an effort to stop Jewish women from dating Arab men.

The municipality of Petah Tikva has also announced an initiative to prevent interfaith relationships, providing a telephone hotline for friends and family to "inform" on Jewish girls who date Arab men as well as psychologists to provide counselling. The city of Kiryat Gat launched a school programme in schools to warn Jewish girls against dating local Bedouin men. In February Maariv has reported that the Tel Aviv municipality had instituted an official, government-sponsored counseling program to discourage Jewish girls from dating and marrying Arab boys.

According to supporters of the program, the girls are often ostracized for being Jewish, and some fall into drugs and alcohol or are prevented from leaving their Arab boyfriends.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The New York Times. Singer, Isidore ; et al. All Quiet on the Religious Front?

Arab-Jewish couples take to social media

Retrieved 17 March What is Wrong with Intermarriage? For more, see my book Hands Off!

This May Be Love. We have the hormone oxytocin to thank for this: A rose-colored screen descends, filtering out the negative and letting only the positive through - the result being that you see what you want to see and not the rest. This rose-colored screen will eventually lift - usually after you get married.

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In the worst case scenario, you may discover some serious deal breakers. One of the best ways to preserve objectivity while dating is not to get physically involved. However, loving how good someone makes you feel is not love of another. True love requires focusing on, appreciating, admiring, and respecting the other person. But there are two ways in which you can still strongly benefit from the Jewish idea of "cherishing touch".

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First, the most powerful expression of touch is obviously sex. And that is a tenet of Christianity as well. But beyond that, let me suggest the following: As a result, Jewish concerns about intermarriage are often dismissed as unadulterated racism. Who people marry or don't marry is their business and nobody else's.

Son is Dating a Non-Jew

But whether we like it or not, our life choices affect those close to us. That doesn't mean we should make decisions on the basis of what our parents want. But those in the public sphere have the responsibility to discuss sensitive issues, such as intermarriage, appropriately. Appealing to old prejudices, as Freeman's article does, is of no help to anybody, however humorous the intended effect. Oh, and did I mention funny?

Interfaith marriage in Judaism

It would be interesting to hear what her actual experiences of Jewish men have been. Is this a justification for sticking to non-Jewish men? Does she actually think she has to justify this in the first place? Or is it anger at the stereotype of Jewish women - "spoilt, nagging and well endowed in the nasal department"? Finally, Freeman begins to tap into the core of the issue: This issue is examined sensitively in Shiksa: From the Bible to Philip Roth, Benvenuto discusses how the Jewish world has been simultaneously attracted and repulsed by the non-Jewish woman.