Questions to ask christian dating

Thank you Sam, for such pertinent questions. Reading through and trying to answer them myself has brought me to tears because of the emotions and memories they stir. Very thought-provoking list of questions. I will copy them and save them for later. Also, I like those tracks by two great coincidentally English singers. Check out these songs and more by following me on Spotify.

Sam is a writer, speaker, blogger and founder of Recklessly Aliveā€”a suicide prevention ministry sprinting towards a world with zero deaths from suicide.

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Sam travels the country sharing his journey from suicide attempt towards abundant life and is passionate about helping everyone find a life that is fully and recklessly alive. Currently residing in Minneapolis, MN, Sam is a little obsessed with Crossfit, teaching elementary school music, collecting vinyl records and trying every flavor of Oreos. Beth Saadati November 7, at Miri November 7, at Vivvy November 7, at My friend Gary Collins, a Christian psychologist, put it this way: Nobody is perfect and we are all tempted to sin, but the true Christ-follower shows signs of becoming more like the master.

Who does he spend his time with?

8 Questions Christians Should Ask While Dating

Birds of a feather do tend to flock together. You can learn a lot about his discernment and what he values by looking at who he shares his time with. Is he constantly pulled toward the "in-crowd" whose main activities would be anything but pleasing to God, or does he seek relationships with Christians who can encourage him to grow in his faith and lovingly hold him accountable? Do not be misled, says 1 Corinthians Does he care about bringing the Gospel to those who haven't heard it?

People whose hearts have been transformed by Christ feel motivated to share their faith with others. But someone who's a Christian in name only sees no reason to bring the message of Jesus to those who haven't heard it.

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As one ancient saint said: Is he honest about the little things in life? Integrity means there's a consistency between a person's beliefs and behavior or between his character and creed. Does he have a reputation for being trustworthy, or is he known for trying to cleverly cut ethical corners? One woman said her boyfriend's character was revealed when a waiter accidentally gave them the bill for another table.

Instead of pointing out the error, he tried to quickly pay the lesser amount and leave - until she stopped him. Seemingly small acts of dishonesty often reveal the true state of a person's heart. The godly walk with integrity, says Proverbs Through what lenses does he see the world? We all view life through one kind of lens or another.

5 First Date Questions Single Christians Should Ask - Single Christianity Magazine

Genuine Christianity is a way of seeing and comprehending all reality. Does he recognize and apply the Bible as the foundation for his whole life? Does he take responsibility for his actions? Is he quick to candidly admit when he has made a mistake or does he try to justify his actions even when they were clearly wrong? Does he gloss over his own sinfulness or blame others for things he did? Instead, they "admit errors and sinfulness, seek forgiveness from God and from others who might have been harmed, make restitution when possible, and go on - determined not to let a similar situation happen again.

Does he possess humility? Jesus spoke out forcefully against pride, and Micah 6: Does this individual always have to be right?

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Does he hog credit or generously praise the contributions of others? Does he constantly put himself first and think he knows better than everyone else? Humility is a quiet recognition that all we have and are comes from God. It is an attitude that is open to new insights and has little concern about inflating our ego or enhancing our image.

15 questions EVERY Christian woman should ask Christian men

What does he choose to feed his mind? What kind of books does he read, music does he listen to, video games does he play, internet sites does he visit, and movies does he watch? What a person feeds his mind is what he will eventually become.

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Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. This checklist isn't intended to be rigidly applied. While all Christians are continually growing to become more like Jesus, this is a process that varies in pace from individual to individual and will never be completed this side of heaven.