Why dating in college is bad

Traditional courting used to be valuable when 20 year olds were getting ready to settle down and start a family.

What Freshmen Should Know about Dating in College

Now that people are no longer waiting to get married, it seems unnecessary to start looking for a potential spouse in college. Your grandparents may have met as kids, but your peers will likely meet their significant others more towards their thirties. Moving away from home and starting life on your own is supposed to be an opportunity to discover yourself, not someone else.

Everyone has that friend who completely changes after finding a significant other and denying themself the college experience.

Don’t even think about starting university in a relationship | Education | The Guardian

When you get to the real world, one-night stands become less and less appreciated while relationships become more popular. College is a stressful and busy time for students between self-discovery, challenging academics, and finding jobs or internships. All these new obligations are a full-time commitment and leave very little room for balancing a real relationship.

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You may be better off waiting until you have more time and effort to devote to another person. Guys are expected to pay for dates and initiate plans while girls are expected to be docile and polite.

Don’t even think about starting university in a relationship

But as the relationship went on I found myself missing out on things that I planned on doing in college before I even met him. Yes, I could have said no and done my own thing and not have cared about his feelings, but that is not what relationships are about. They are about supporting one another through whatever each other want to do and to not question their motives and ideals.

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We ended up breaking up and moving on to better things. Until you find what it is you are looking for, I suggest you focus on yourself, make memories with your friends and tell dating to move out of the way, at least for a little while!


Chelsea is 23 years old and plans on changing the world with her words someday. She majored in Print journalism with a minor in English.


Chelsea recently just graduated from Penn State University and is currently a staff writer for Kleen-Rite Corporation. You will always be able to find Chelsea with a pen in her hand and a journal by her side.