How to tell a girl you want to hook up

We want more of the things we perceive valuable and if other people want it to, then the perceived value of the item grows. So the more women want you, the more value you will appear to have. Ok, you are a busy guy with an amazing lifestyle and a lot of girls around you. If you make her feel this important in your life by making her your world for the next one or four hour, you will get yourself a great girlfriend.

Wow, what a boring movie… I mean person. Leave many places mysterious but you can drop some small hints here and there.

  • plentyoffish hookup.
  • Flat out telling a girl you want to hook up?.
  • What To Do When You Want to Date a Hookup.
  • 10 simple pieces of advice on how to turn a hookup into a relationship.

Let her want to know you more and explore everything you are instead of you simply telling her everything. And she will be on a quest to discover who you are. Remember the cat string theory here — give her just enough to keep her hooked but not everything to grow bored. I did this thing with an audience of people when I started telling them about my internship to Russia.

So the authorities deported me back to Turkey. But then, all hell broke loose and the government in Turkey locked me up in the jail at the airport. But what followed in the jail was the most difficult day in my life. This is also something borrowed from the evolutionary biology where tribes would fight together if there was a bigger threat endangering all of them.

Hookup turned dating checklist

During this time of crisis, you become so cohesive against something out there that you act like a single individual. And by creating this kind of scenario, you two get this internal cohesion against something out there. Framing the conversation this way happens naturally over a longer period of time, but if you want it to happen fast, then you should use polarization. We have covered a lot here, from the initial dilemma of you actually wanting to date the girl or not. We had a small checklist there with 4 questions you should have answered for yourself.

The 4 questions were related to: The Honeymoon phase 2. Relationship fitting your lifestyle right now and, 4. The dual approval of heart and mind. Only when you have answered these questions and decided that you want to date a hookup, is when we went into pieces of advice on turning a hookup girl into someone you date.

Making a real connection 2. Making it about more than just booty calls 3. Talking about relationships in general 4. Asking about her life 5. Showing her your cool life 6.

Making her miss you 7. Using passive attraction 8. Creating mystery around you and Relationships, as in any human social interactions, are quite messy. They have different ways they succeed, different ways we think they have succeeded and […]. Find your purpose and get women in your life Does it ever happen to you that as soon as you have a girlfriend, there is an endless amount of girls going after you?

To create this article, 52 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed , times. Log in Facebook Loading We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. If you want to hook up with a girl, you have to flirt with her first to show that you can play ball. To flirt with a girl the right way, you have to let her know that you're interested without giving too much away.

After you make eye contact, don't be afraid to approach the girl and get a flirty conversation going. Here are some ways to flirt: Flirt with your body language. Maintain eye contact while you talk, keep your body turned toward her, and lean in a bit so you get closer. Gently tease the girl about anything from her obsession with her cat to her pink shoes, all the while letting her know you think she's really cute.

Maintain a light, fun, flirtatious banter when you're first trying to get to know the girl. If you try to get too serious right away, she'll think you're too intense.

What To Do When You Want to Date a Hookup - Guy Counseling

Don't forget to smile and laugh. Let her know how much you like talking to her without saying so. If it's going well, give her a light touch on the shoulder or arm. Make her feel special. Every girl wants to feel like she's the only girl in the world, so you should make her feel like a truly unique individual -- even if you're just trying to hook up with her. To make her feel special, you have to be a good listener, ask the right questions, and make her feel like everything she's saying is important.

Ask her questions about herself. Don't ask anything too deep -- just talk about her siblings, favorite bands, and what she likes to do on the weekends. Don't look around the room while she's talking; instead, put your phone away, and only break eye contact to smile and look at the ground if things are getting too intense. Let her know what makes her stand out. You don't have to say, "I've never met anyone like you before," but you can say, "I've never heard such an incredible laugh. Charming people can walk into any room and talk to any person at all without getting uncomfortable.

To charm the girl, you have to exude confidence and show that you're completely comfortable with yourself and that you love talking to people and making them feel great. Charming people make the best of everything and are always emphasizing the great things in life -- that's why people want to be around them. Show that you can talk to anyone.

Though you should focus on the girl, if her friends are around, you should charm them while keeping her attention. This will show that you can keep up a conversation with anyone. Impress her with your wit. Don't just laugh if she says something funny; fire back with a hilarious comment. Don't look too available.


Though it's important to get the girl interested, you still have to play it coy if you really want her to hook up with you. No girl wants to hook up with the low-hanging fruit; you should look interested, but not desperate to hook up with her at any cost. There's a fine line between flirting and coming on too strong, so make sure you don't smother the girl with affection. You should compliment her, but don't tell her she's beautiful, amazing, and has an absolutely gorgeous body -- she will start to get overwhelmed or will suspect that you're not really being sincere.

Don't talk about how you never get girls and are surprised that a great girl like her is actually talking to you. You should make her think that girls love talking to you all the time, even if it's not true. Sometimes it helps to make her jealous just a bit. Now, if you throw yourself at another girl right in front of her, she'll quickly lose interest.

Know when enough is enough. If the girl just isn't having it, you'll know pretty quickly.

14 Major Signs She Wants to Hook Up

If you're pulling out all the stops but she's just rolling her eyes, looking around the room, or signaling her friends to save her, then it's time to cut her loose. Don't hang around longer than you're wanted, or you'll just embarrass yourself. Last edited by jehst; at All depends on the girl in question.. I've done that one time and one time only, and yes it worked. But I don't think it's commonplace. Depends on what you mean by hooking up.

If you mean going on a date go for it. The sex will come if your game is strong. This is what you are going to say: Do you miss me?

  1. 14 Major Signs She Wants to Hook Up - EnkiRelations;
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  4. Then just keep asking questions, girls love to talk.