Dating and weight issues

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You can register for free, look around, create a profile and even record where you are percentage-wise in your weight loss journey as a means to spark some conversation and know where others are as well. Perhaps you are just starting to lose weight and you would like to find someone who is also not too far along so that you can work together and potentially bond through the experience.

How do you know if someone is telling the truth about their weight-loss journey? Is authenticity a concern at all? There will always be some concern around authenticity of anyone you date online or offline. Unfortunately, there is very little control that could be had over what people choose to tell others in regards to the truth about themselves.

I would hope that WeightlessDate. For those in the dating world who are working to lose weight or have lost a significant amount, what do you hope WeightlessDate. My hope for WeightlessDate. What kind of feedback have you received from users of the site? We have received a lot of great feedback overall. People have noted how unique the site is in that it focuses not only on finding love but also securing a healthy lifestyle with the one you love.

Read more about dating , weight loss. I used to get excited to see what my new dates would roll up in to pick me up. Would it be a Range Rover? The guys that wanted to talk to me now were average. AND they had the nerve to still try to play games because now they would look at me and think that I was on their level. A very humbling experience. At least some of the guys who totally dismissed me are starting to call again.

As I lose each ten pound increment, I know that my options will improve.

Is Relationship Weight a Real Thing?

Why waste their time like that and mine? Also, dating side tracks you. So it pays to just wait until you get closer to your goal weight to date. You want the man who will be able to provide and contribute the most love and stability meaning wealth for you and your future kids. Do not feel bad.

Weight Gain Is Contagious

This is he way of the world. They will do this. Stop listening to your friends who want you to stay fat and pre-diabetic so that you will not be a threat to them. Skinny girls who have always been skinny have no idea what its like to be overweigt or what it means to lose weight because they have never had to. Hey, the game is to be sold but I just told! What you siad is so true. I was once at the magical pounds. That equated to a perfect size six for me.

I had my choice of all types of top of the man-chain men.

Explore Everyday Health

The world was open to me. Then I gained weight. Went up to pounds. The door slammed in my face. The men who were attracted to me at and a size 22 were loosers putting it nicely. But I have befriended a few guys who I know will have a change of heart of our friendship status once the big reveal takes place.

I went from getting completely ignored to getting sides free at restaurants and friendlier waitresses.

Working It Out: I’ve Lost 78 Pounds And Have No Man To Show For It

Not even close to goal yet but near the overweight category rather than obese. The only thing this shows is how much the world hates fat and men are even worse then women. Guys who were in my social circle for a year and never spoke to me are talking to me. The people that say women only lose weight for other women never been a fat women who transforms to overweight or average.

So so so so true!!!! You are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I am trying to lose weight.

Losing Weight To Date Ain’t Great

The funny thing is once you start trying, you become aware of how much weight you have gained. And over time, being in different relationships where men are either chubby chasers or they have some deficiencies of their own lack of education, habits, no career, etc. Then you look up and realize that you do not even recognize yourself anymore and when you want to date the higher caliber men, they will not even look your way and some are even bold enough to say how beautiful you are in the face or as a person but you are overweight. When I workout, who do you see working out, making sure they stay attractive for their mates?

You even see pregnant women working out. There is no excuse. Thank you for this very real message. The goal should be to find a partner who appreciates your standards and encourages you in positive and loving ways to maintain them, be they in fitness or financially or whatever point in your life. I may not see black women at my fancy gym in TriBeCa, but when I take my daughter to the park? Or jump onto the running trail in the early mornings? Or any other number of environments?

I see black women. Take my word for it, sis — we outchea. Ok, so one can lose weight but what in the hell are you supposed to do about age. Basically you just told me and every other old chick forget about ever having a man. Your comments are just plain rude and shallow and offensive. Sure one can lose the weight but what are they supposed to do about their age?

Lie and get plastic surgery? No one stays young and thin forever, not even the men who insist on it. I have been in a steady relationship for the past 3 years. But I know when I have tried to loose weight before in other relationships I have been ridiculed and even been told that if I lost weight they was gonna leave.. With work, school, working on my weight, etc. It seems to me that some people think having a relationship is more important than emotional health and stability, which is too bad.

I have actually experienced this recently. Friends telling me I need to get back into the dating scene. Honestly, I feel that more woman should do this—while changing their bodies or not.

For me, the decision to change my physical appearance revealed the need to strengthen my emotional self. This process needed to happen regardless of my choice to change my eating and exercise habits. I not too long ago left a relationship where clearly my weight was an issue for the man I was seeing. Granted I wanted to lose the weight and tried to commit to the gym and eating better but quite often fell off a bit.

I decided that I need to be on my weight loss journey alone because I knew once I was comfortable with my size, it would remove a lot of the insecurities I had in my past relationships. When the Atkins diet first came out, I did it and lost about 60 lbs and I noticed I was getting more attention.

I eventually gained all that weight back and then some and so here I am currently trying to lose weight and still have a lot to lose. I do have a very outgoing personality and make friends very easily and often feel that people gravitate towards me, but now that I am going through this journey of overall well being I wonder if I use my personality to outshine my outward appearance. The words I have for you are simply this, Chi Chi you are changing and it is a very important wonderful thing.

We both know that this is absolutely not true! It takes tremendous strength to look inward and make corrections while that strength is takes in my opinion should always be supported and encouraged, the truth is often that does not happen. Friends may fall by the wayside which is a very sad thing.


So Chi Chi I leave you with this, change is a wonderful thing to embrace.