Dating site statistics

To request further data please contact Kaspersky Lab at prhq kaspersky. Online dating provides users with the ideal place to meet people that have similar likes, dislikes and character traits to them. So, if one-in-three people out there are doing it, who is the typical online dater? Although such a large number of people are dating online, our study has found that if you decide to take part, you are most likely to be in the company of users that meet the following criteria. Many people that are on the online dating scene are young, as the This tech-savvy age group is likely embracing online dating as a way to meet interesting new people while balancing busy professional lives.

Online daters are most likely to visit dating apps and services from Windows PCs and Android smartphones than any other type of device.

So why are these people going online to start up relationships with others? Certainly, online dating provides all the convenience of making it quick and easy to meet people.

The Ugly Truth About Online Dating | Psychology Today

Gender differences also come into play. While many different types of people go online to date — and they do it for multiple reasons, our study also asked people about what they get up to when they are dating online, in order to understand the potential security implications.

The profile is understandably a crucial part of online dating. It allows users to share snippets of their lives. It acts as a window, or a preview of a person, enticing others to reach out to them or find out more. Is the profile crucial to the success of online dating? But is profile information secure? We found that a worrying number of online dating users are, through their profiles, placing sensitive information about themselves into the public domain, which could potentially lead them to harm if the information was to fall into the wrong hands.

All of this information, in the wrong hands, can be used to track online dating users and their families online and offline, to crack their accounts by guessing passwords, for blackmail, and more. That, of course, is not always a safe or a good thing.

  1. 5 facts about online dating | Pew Research Center;
  2. Online dating in the United States - Statistics & Facts?
  3. 27 Online Dating Statistics & What They Mean for the Future of Dating;

However, there is a disparity between men and women. When it comes to personal information, men are ready to share information about themselves much faster than women are. Despite the high proportion of people who use online dating services or apps, there are several factors that can put users off.

People might turn to online dating for fun and to strike up new relationships, but ironically our study shows that a large number of people lie in the process, and this in itself is off-putting. Male users were most interested in short-term dating. SimpleTexting found that men using online dating apps Tinder being the most popular in this survey were far more likely to have had a one-night stand than women.

The SimpleTexting survey found that looking for a serious, long-term relationship was by far the most-elected choice when online daters were asked what they were looking for. Women were more likely to be looking for this type of relationship than men. Men were more likely to be looking for a casual relationship. A small but solid proportion of both men and women used apps to look for friends, while others used apps to boost their self-esteem. More men than women chose the latter option, perhaps contrary to the stereotypical social expectation.

More men than women also said they used dating apps to get free drinks or meals…. Male and female Tinder users were also found to take different tacks when it came to their approach to online dating — or tactics if you like. This was the case for homosexual as well as heterosexual men.

Men were also more likely to switch between tactics if they were not getting a lot of matches, while women were slightly more likely to take a different approach depending on what they were looking for at the time though the total number of women reporting that they did this comes in at less than a quarter.

Using male and female created profiles, the study also found that female profiles would get a lot more matches a lot quicker than male profiles chiming with the above tactics. In the case of the former, the researchers recorded around matches within an hour. The accruement of matches slows very gradually, climbing above by the 4-hour mark.

Infographic: A History of Love & Technology

The male profiles, however, are still languishing at well under matches by the same juncture. This is related, say the researchers, to the tactics enumerated above. As it seems female users are more selective about who they like, they are more engaged and therefore likely to send a message. This may suggest that female Tinder users are waiting to receive the first message, posit the researchers.

Some traditional courtship rules remain in place, it seems. The excitement with which male Tinder users message does not seem to be matched with their articulacy, with the average missive weighing in at decidedly unromantic 12 characters. The aforementioned Tinder study by GlobalWebIndex looked into the some of the personal preferences and brand awareness of Tinder users.

The findings show that Tinder users self-report as an image conscious group — perhaps unsurprising for users of an app that hinges on physical attraction. They are aware of and conscious of brands — and like to have the latest things. Just over half consider themselves to be affluent.

Around 40% of American couples now first meet online

Accordingly, the Tinder demographic is one that is valuable to brands and advertisers — though less than half are aware of buying things as a consequence of it being advertised. Source: Global Web Index. Software engineer Katie Hempenius currently working for Google carried out a study of 10, US Tinder profiles across 22 US cities and towns to analyse how users described themselves. Source: Katie Hempenius. In terms of words pertaining to personality, we might also note that users might be talking about prospective partners as well as themselves. Men also like use words that describe themselves as active and healthy, as well as successful in their work.

This came after a spate of harassment, as well as controversy as Tinder banned trans people for how they had chosen to identify on the platform after other users had reported them. Tinder India recently introduced the option for users to identify themselves however they pleased, with a free text box. A male model based in London conducted an experiment to find out what straight female Tinder users were looking for physically. He posed with five different looks to see how many likes each would get. The likes dried up when he posted two pictures with thinning hair and with no hair — so the lesson is clear here: men using Tinder need to have hair in the right place!

Beard or no beard, increasing the number of pictures used on a profile can increase the number of matches. For male and female Tinder users alike, profiles with three pictures got more likes over those with only one. This is particularly pronounced for the male user, for whom matches increase more than fivefold.

Aside from beards, what sort of things should dating app users avoid putting in their profile picture? This was proven to be case, both in terms of homosexual and heterosexual matches. While the former see a greater proportion of matches overall with or without a bio and a greater increase in absolute terms, adding a bio increases the number of female matches by a greater proportion.

For men, photos are the most-important thing.

2. Nearly 50 Million People Have Tried Online Dating

Women also value pictures, though common interests are nearly as important for female dating app users. Women care most about the bio section. This study looks at apps other than Tinder, some of which are a lot more verbally-orientated than Tinder — though as stated above, bios are important on Tinder as well.

Notably, a solid proportion of men also value a good bio. Humour is the most sought-after quality in a first message across age groups. Too many selfies, filters, or group photos can be offputting it seems — as can too many pictures with sunglasses or mentioning foot fetishes in your bio. On the other hand, female users are a little more colourful.

That being said, it seems that many of these popular Tinder users expect to be messaged first…. As a percentage of the entire sample, We are Flint Tinder statistics show an even spread across how often users check the app, with similar percentages using it several times a day, once a day, one a week etc. A higher proportion of US respondents use the Tinder app according to this data. If we parse the data so it only shows users who do use Tinder, we can see the subtle patterns and differences a little more clearly.

In the UK, those who use Tinder at least every few weeks are most likely to check the app once a day, while in the US once every few days is the most-commonly elected option by a whisker. Both of these points represent the highest point of an arc in the data — if we exclude sporadic users, who account for a fifth of US and just over a quarter of US users. Data Source: We are Flint. The discrepancy presumably comes from the differing sample, which in this case focuses on users of dating apps specifically, as opposed to the wider sample of internet users surveyed by We are Flint. Research into how long users tend to have dating apps installed on their devices found that a large percentage of female Tinder users top row only install the app for a single day — nearly a third, in fact.

In second place, not too far behind, however we find the dedicated contingent who still have the Tinder app on their phone. For men bottom row , the percentage who try it and instantly dislike it is surprisingly not a great deal lower. Only three dating apps fare better than Tinder in this regard, while eHarmony is abandoned by a whopping two thirds of users every week according to this analysis at least. It is unclear how many of these have lost patience with the app, and how many have left because the app was successful in finding them the much-coveted harmony in question.

Ogury produced a study looking at the days on which dating app users are most active, and how long they use apps for on these days. In terms of Tinder, we see that the longest sessions are indulged in by Spanish women, who spend 43 minutes using Tinder on Sundays. UK men come in second in second, clocking 36 minutes on Monday nights probably trying to relieve the heady pleasures of the weekend, which seems so far away. Interestingly men in the US clock the shortest amount of Tinder time, at just under 23 minutes for their peak midweek session.

Italian men are the only demographic who use Tinder longer than they use any other app. Tinder has nothing on Grindr in terms of the length of time, with sessions well in excess of an hour registered among men in the US, the UK, and Spain. Reportedly the greatest average amount of the time spent on mobile dating apps occurs on Thursday 28 minutes.