I am dating a nigerian man

If he fails to do so, he would be regarded as an irresponsible man in his own community; Nigerian men are expected to be independent by thirty at most. The average Nigerian man believes in a family and the men are expected to take up all the bills at home.

Well, I guess that comes with life. But the main question is — Why Nigerian guys in Diaspore go home to marry the accredited innocent and yet un-spoiled girl back in their country instead of the white chick they have been cuddling all year long?? African men believe that independent women and women with western upbringing are already spoiled and finds it very difficult to cope as tradition demands. Like going into the kitchen everyday to prepare his favorite recipe or give it to them the way they want it on bed.

Am I Being Fooled By This Nigerian Man?

African men in general see the women as a helper who they have to love, pamper and dominate and they want her to remain thus, not another bread winner or some sort of competition. Clubbing, excessive partying, alcohol is considered highly indecent for a Nigerian wife while the white woman considers them a sort of get-away. The simple Nigerian girl is willing to submit and be a real wife to an African man, by so doing she enjoys unhindered love and lavish that she initially never bargained for.

A Nigerian women finds savorable love in humility, a quality that Nigerian men are yet to find in women with western upbringing. And that brings me to yet another tip about Men from Nigerian — They prefer church wedding to court marriage, in fact, only about 2 percent of all couples in Nigeria had court marriage, the rest follow the normal trend, — introduction, traditional and then church wedding no court nothing.

Here is where it goes wrong most of the times… dating a Nigerian guy, white women often find it difficult to cope, they think we are domineering and demanding. But frankly, you can date and marry a handsome Nigerian guy any day if you are willing and able to be a good wife. Nigerian men want to control everything.

Even my message is awaiting approval to be published. You plan to go through life unchecked? I noticed that often you guys are attracted to the bad guys. You meet a man in a strip club and you expect him to be a saint? Take your time to study a man before commuting, spend time courting each other. If you avoid certain principles you get bitten. I just started dating a Nagerian man. Such a great personality on him. Ive never dated an African guy before. With the money he has in his depleted savings he takes me out.

This past weekend I felt bad and paid for drinks at a lounge this offended and stressed him out more. I care for him a lot but the lack of a SS card is preventing him from fulfilling his true potential in the US. We shouldn't have to be forced to marry each other in a rush so that he can obtain a better job. Im stable but he is not which is putting a strain on things. Im coming here to lsa because my mom and friends dont like the idea of me dating an African.

They havent met him yet but they label all african men as schemers, have multiple wives, or smell awful.

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I need help please!!!! Jul 6, 2. Im so embarrassed I just put my business out on front street Jul 6, 3. If I were you I'd hire someone in Nigeria to look into him. He might be lying and just selling you a dream so you're more eager to help him out. I used to think it was a stereotype that these African men hide wives back home until it happened to me.

Am I Being Fooled By This Nigerian Man? | Facts About Nigeria

Thankfully I found out super quick because I have peoples. Thanks x 20 Hugs! Jul 6, 4. Jul 6, 5. Thanks x 6 Hugs! Jul 6, 6. Jul 6, 7.

I almost dated a married Nigerian guy I met in South Africa until I asked my friend to check him out.. Thanks x 13 LOL! Jul 6, 8. Jul 6, 9. Jul 6, This is a tricky situation but I guess he is legally here but is finding it difficult because he can't sustain a job? I have to say I personally wouldn't do it if I was you. I don't see the point of marrying someone without them having a stable job or you need to marry someone to get a card. It's a shame because he seems like a genuine guy.

But the last thing you want is to enter marriage with a headache. I just see it turning down hill. What if he still can't obtain a job with the ss card? Not to mention there is an obvious culture clash as your family clearly won't like him or his family. I say proceed with serious caution. Look up his university and make sure he actually has that master's degree. Find out if U. There are many foreign lawyers and doctors driving taxis in NYC bc of this. Take the opportunity with his sister to get his backstory, be playful to put her at ease and get the dirt.

If he is for real, keep him! Saving my seat Lemme finish getting ready for work. Thanks x 16 Hugs! Thanks x 2 LOL! Pm me if you ever need any help with this. I'm logging off for now! Are you marrying this guy partly because you feel bad he doesn't have a green card and you wanna "help" him out?

Read What women are saying about Nigerian Men

IDK if that's a good reason to get married Keep your options open hun. Thanks x 3 Hugs!

Im going to drink my glass of wine and hit the sack. Shoot Im on summer break stressing over this negro. I told my friends I should just become a nun No matter what anyone tells you, they're all compulsive liars. It's part of their culture. Once you have been around them for years, you will understand what I mean. Just Google Nigerians and lying and several articles, written by Nigerians will come up. It's not just them. I think it has to do with developing countries and being in survival mode. As for the conference he came in on, it was likely part of the initial scam to get here illegally.

The con is to have an agent package you showing you have money in your bank accounts, likely a stable family to make sure you return back to your country and the pretense of coming for an educational purpose. The conferences are real, but also in on the scam.

Help...Dating A Nigerian Man

He intentionally came here with no intention of returning home. Proceed at your own risk. Thanks x 11 Disagree!