Fun questions for dating couples

Ask these, then sit back and listen.

Fun Questions to Ask on a Date

Be prepared to answer them, too. Knowing a potential boyfriend or girlfriend's future goals will let you know if you're on similar paths and whether you're compatible. It's also fun to ask questions that compare where someone thought they would be at this age to where they actually are now. You could set this up as a question game for couples and ask each other as many "favorites" type questions as possible within an allotted amount of time.

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Asking someone what their favorite things are, will give you a lot of information in a short amount of time, and it usually won't feel like you're prying especially if you are both answering the questions or that you're taking a couples' questionnaire. You can also get ideas for future date activities.

This or that questions ask what your partner prefers between two options. Even easy questions like "chocolate or vanilla" can lead to conversations that prompt deeper discussion. Before you launch into questions that could potentially have embarrassing answers, gauge how the other person is feeling. Are they the type of person who's likely to be an open book with their answers and willing to laugh them off with you, or are they more guarded and probably worried about sharing too much?

If you're relaxed together, feel free to ask these questions and share a few good laughs. You should be willing to answer questions too, just to keep things fair. Listen to what they say and don't say and you'll probably learn a few things you never knew about him or her. You'll probably get your partner thinking about something he or she hasn't thought about in years, and probably bring back treasured memories from the past. Not only will these life questions be fun to ask, but it will bring the two of you closer together.

Many of these will be honest one- and two-word answers, but get your boyfriend or girlfriend to elaborate on why they like or dislike what they do. Nothing is more fun than asking hypothetical questions. My friends and I have always enjoyed asking hypothetical questions. Questions create curiosity and fun in your relationship, and you might as well ask them in a way that makes the relationship deepen.

67 Fun Relationship Questions for Couples

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Relationships Dating Romance Sex. Click here to download 8 Secrets To Create A Rock Solid Relationship Guide Our fun relationship questions list includes 33 questions to help build your relationship with fun questions. Couples Questions What's better than a couple talking about their relationship? Here are a couple fun relationship questions to ask: When was the first time you became aware of me?

Do you remember the first thing we said to one another? What was your first impression of me? Did you ever dislike me? What's your favorite memory of me? What do you like best about me? What is your favorite way of spending time with me? Him or Her Questions These fun questions have to do with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

How would you describe yourself?

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