Dating someone who was recently engaged

They want to, and like the idea of it, but they never will. They just do not have it in them, because they refuse to put themselves in a vulnerable situation again, leaving the door open for getting hurt again.

Type 2 is the complete opposite — the guy ready to get married tomorrow to the next girl he finds. These guys were greatly looking forward to their future of settling down and starting a family, but all of their plans just got shattered.

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These guys have no shame in discussing their quick plans for marriage and family on the first date, or even before you have your first date! Not too long ago I was talking to a guy, who seemed to be extremely forward talking about his future plans and intentions. I thought it was extremely weird because most guys do not talk about their plans for marriage and kids, making it clear they want that ASAP, before even going on a first date! Again, obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but in my vast experience with them, every single one has MAJOR emotional issues and baggage, and is in no shape or form ready for a healthy committed long-term relationship.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, but I say dating a previously-engaged man is doomed for failure, because they just got dumped at the time they were most optimistic for the relationship. At least those guys have some chance of moving on. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

Dating a previously engaged man

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How long should you date before getting engaged? With Dr. Dave Currie of Doing Family Right

Sure, this is an obvious realization, but we still manage to skirt over it. Treating them like damaged goods is never okay.

Has your SO been engaged before?

As with anyone new, you want to be appropriate, polite and kind. When they want to talk about their last relationship and share with you, they will. They know how to be a girlfriend or boyfriend and that instinct automatically kicks in. Their ex might still be in their life and the only way to approach that is to trust them.

If they say nothing is going on, assuming otherwise will just end up adding unnecessary strain. Spend time together one-on-one instead of rushing them out to meet all your friends at a crowded bar. Be open to them needing to go slower, but make your expectations clear.

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