Conservative guys dating

Why would you want to date these people anyway. What a bunch of myopic, close-minded bigots. Reading historical accounts of civil wars it often amazed me how savage and brutal they were. How could seemingly intelligent people so viciously turn against their former neighbors, I would ask myself. Leftists, yes, but they implicitly embrace totalitarian political ethics.

I am struggling with dating since leaving a conservative religion | Life and style | The Guardian

Liberalism and leftism are antoynmic. They both have inordinately high views of human nature, and accordingly both of them foolishly value above all else, the nonsense humanistic ideals of liberty and equality in different degrees over the primary necessity of any society, order. Start calling them what they really are, democrats. Continuing to text after you boot him out makes you a bunny boiler, sorry.

The purpose of dating is to find common ground, and, at this point in time, many liberals are convinced that conservatives Trump voters or not have secretly pledged allegiance to Adolph Hitler. We know now that this is no longer even a remote possibility, since they have told us in relatively plain terms that WE and people like us are just disgusting…. I had one of my closest personal friends do this to me after the election.

Threatened not to continue our friendship of decades if I voted Trump. She demanded to know. I told her that I would not answer I voted libertarian and I mentioned regardless of who I voted for, I was uncomfortable with this situation. If I voted Hillary you will continue as my friend, but I now know you would have discarded or long deep friendship had I voted Trump. If I voted Trump our friendship would be over because of her intolerance.

  • The Challenges of Dating While Conservative - Acculturated.
  • 8 Reasons You Should Date A Conservative Man.
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Lose, lose as far as I could see the situation. My BIL dumped the woman he had been dating for nine months because she voted for Trump. Somebody needs to remind your BIL that the alternative to Trump was a money grubbing, America-betraying, evidence-destroying, power luster. They just wanted to FEEL like they were good people. Oh I think they get it. Many people feel the left means them harm, be it socially, financially or physically. Some people voted for Trump for this very reason. Many articles were written about Christians who felt under attack by Democrats and saw Trump as someone who would protect them.

If we Republicans can keep our House and Senate majorities, I expect this will begin to reverse in a few years. It was always thus. Just think of the scene from Invasion of the Body Snatchers when Donald Sutherland discovers someone is not of the body. Politics was often a side show and never ruined a relationship. You might not want to ask in casual conversation with strangers, but dating is serious. A conservative Christian is likely to be conservative in politics. Thankfully my wife is not on FB.

Early Soviet Union, before everyone, including SJW got hit so hard they all shut up and just tried to live another day. I was married for 25 years, and after being divorced a couple years started dating. The liberal women were the worst. Hateful, spiteful, angry, and nasty and utterly judgmental—across the board. If you had ANY difference of opinion on a political topic, they tore your head off. I finally checked profiles more carefully and thereafter refused—regardless of how they looked—to even try to date one.

Eventually I found the perfect woman and life is great. She is a conservative. I cannot tell how many times I have personally verified your post. Shows I deeply they are committed to equality. Equality when it benefits them, the rest not so much. In profiles, just state who and what you are and you beliefs. Saves time, money and aggravation. If he was, no date. And this was way before the Democrat party became so insane.

Thats the way the angry libs were at County of Sonoma, total intolerance except for their lazy friends. Plus, liberal girls are sleazy. Maybe this is a good thing. If liberals only date liberal, they will devolve into a parallel culture working jobs in retail, coffee shops, abortion clinics, organic grocery stores, and recycling plants.

Meanwhile, conservatives will marry each other to go on to work real jobs making real money to live in real homes in the suburbs to have three kids and repopulate the USA.

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This did not just start. As a male living in CA, I have been through this many times. Sometimes the women agreed to date even though I was not a liberal. On the dates, like clockwork, they would scrutinize you and belittle your beliefs. Expecting her to pick up my hint that someone so full of hate is not an appealing candidate for continuing dating much less marrying. I guess being in CA with all the other liberals who do not find hating others to be a problem at all, she could not even see why this reflected so poorly on her as a person, and especially one a date with someone.

So that was pretty much the end of that. Who wants to be with someone whose heart is filled with hate, raw unadulterated hate. Would you want to date someone like that? Are you a dog? If you are a serious biblical Christian, you are going to be at odds with a liberal, including liberal Christians. Well, sometimes they are just refusing to think through the logical implications of their conflicting positions. My mother is a case in point—firmly anti-abortion, anti-gay-everything, but consistently votes Democrat, more for their stated support for schools and libraries than for any other reason.

She has even suppressed her memory of voting for Reagan in , and probably in !

And seeing that, if I were single again, I would refuse to date a leftist. It is a good thing to find out whether a person is liberal or not on the first date. Since liberals are either ignorant, deluded, or evil, it is best to find out now than to wait and end up developing a relationship with an idiot. One must add, however, insane. Most individuals, I think, blindly follow and parrot their idealized leaders, who often say things only to appease their followers.

The Challenges of Dating While Conservative

This need, instead of allowing us to hear and reflect on a reasoned, non-insulting opposing view, too often makes us dig our heels in. It a good thing to find out whether a person is too intolerant and too immature to engage in a meaningful long-term relationship. In state government things are worse, if anything.