Dating a nice guy boring

A nice guy is not reason enough to date someone.

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There are no extra points for being nice, guys! They will roll up their sleeves and get the job done, no matter what life throws at them. Boring men handle the women they are interested in with kid gloves. The sexy men will be aggressive and go after what they want while a boring guy will be overly friendly, soft and gentle so that he can show us what a harmless man he is.

Stop Dating D*ckheads: 5 Reasons You Should Give the Nice Guy a Go | Her Campus

You know the guy in your office who everyone says would never hurt a fly? Most sexy and exciting men have lives of their own.

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They are either involved in sports or going to the gym, always competing against other men to be the best. A boring and unsexy man will have a lack of passion. There are men out there that have no drive to be the best and nothing to. A man with passion is very attractive to a woman because she wants to be close to the fire that is burning inside of him.

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These are just a few of the qualities that you can look out for when jumping head first into the dating game. Boring men will always be boring. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

Nice Guys Are Boring

Martine Foreman is a speaker, writer, lifestyle consultant, and ACE-certified Health Coach who specializes in helping moms who want more out of life but feel overwhelmed and confused. Through her content and services, Martine is committed to helping women embrace their personal truth, gain clarity, and take action to create healthier, happier lives. For more on Martine's candid views on life and love, visit her at candidbelle.

To work with her, visit her at martineforeman. Martine resides in Maryland with her husband, two kids and sassy cat Pepper. Your email address will not be published.

Are Nice Guys Really Boring? Or Are You Just Avoiding Your Real Issues?

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  2. The Good Guy Allergies: Why Is It That Good Guys Bore Me?.
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  4. Stop Dating D*ckheads: 5 Reasons You Should Give the Nice Guy a Go.
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