Im really bad at dating

Will your mom like him? You can figure it all out later. Your attitude is the only thing screwing you. Should I really go out with this guy? Yes, girl, give him a chance!

Sometimes you have to take the risk. No better test situation than bumping into an ex! Treat them and yourself with respect. Always politely say hi when you see each other in public, no matter what they did unless it is risking your physical well-being. Especially if you date a lot, you have to be good at making gracious exits or drama will follow you everywhere and ruin your game.

Your email address will not be published. Harassment is considered a taboo in Pakistan. Instead of trying to figure out each other, we need to start better understanding ourselves and see ourselves from the perspective of others. Instead of asking ourselves why someone isn't interested in us, we need to ask ourselves how we can be our best selves, and therefore attract others with our own authentic energy.

In short, we need to get out of our heads.

MORE IN Wellness

Let's examine a common dating trope and think a little deeper about it: First, let's take out our biases from the situation. Remove how you feel about yourself, how this person makes you feel, or what you believe to be true and look at some realistic scenarios.

Maybe he wants you to call and can't believe that if you were interested, you would have called and not texted. Maybe he isn't interested in you. Maybe your text didn't go through. You can look at any of these scenarios and analyze them to death. There could be an infinite number of explanations as to why someone doesn't respond to you.

But the reality is, none of them have any relation to who you are, nor do they have to do with the reality of what's going on with this other person.

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Be mindful when you start noticing those crazy thoughts that turn into stories you tell yourself. I'm insecure, I'm not good enough, nobody likes me, she is not interested in someone like me. I notice I'm feeling insecure about the situation. In other words, stop ruminating about what could be and accept what is.


Of course, it's hard to get rejected. But it's a natural part of the dating game. Remind yourself of that simple fact. If they work hard, they get good results or, in the case of really smart folks, even if they don't work hard, they still get good results. Good results mean kudos, strokes, positive reinforcement, respect from peers, love from parents. So it only makes sense that in the romantic arena, it should work the same way.

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The more stuff I do, the more accomplishments and awards I have, the more girls or boys will like me. Please say I'm right, because I've spent a LOT of time and energy accumulating this mental jewelry, and I'm going to be really bummed if you tell me it's not going to get me laid. Well, it's not going to get you laid, brother or sister.

It may get you a first date, but it's probably not going to get you a second date. And it certainly won't bring you lasting love and fulfillment. Your romantic success has nothing to do with your mental jewelry and everything to do with how you make the other person feel. And making someone feel a certain way is a somewhat nonlinear process that requires a different kind of mastery than that of calculus or Shakespeare. In other words, you need to earn love or at least lust. Sadly, no mom, dad or professor teaches us about the power of the well-placed compliment or put-down , giving attention but not too much attention, being caring without being needy.

I wrote a whole page book about that, so that's a story for a different day.


You don't feel like a fully-realized sexual being and therefore don't act like one. At some point in your life, you got pegged as a smart person. From then on, that was your principal identity: Especially if you had a sibling who was better looking than you, in which case she or he was The Pretty One. Now you could be absolutely stunning in which case you're both smart AND pretty and everyone hates you except for me -- call me, like, immediately , but your identity is still bound up in being The Smart One. So maybe you dress frumpy and don't pay a lot of attention to your appearance.

Or never bothered to cultivate your sensuality as a woman. Or your sexual aggression as a male. Attracting a partner is all about the dance of polarity. Energy flows between positive and negative electrodes, anode and cathode, magnetic north and south. Unless you actually convey femininity as a woman or masculinity as a man, you're not going to attract a suitable companion of the opposite sex.

15 Signs You’re Bad At Dating - The Frisky

Part of the issue is this: When all of your personal energy is concentrated in the head, it never gets a chance to trickle down to the heart, or, god forbid, the groin. By virtue of being born of the union of male and female, yang and yin, you are a sexual being. Now do what you need to do to perpetuate the race already. Use what mama amoeba gave you. You're exceptionally talented at getting in the way of your own romantic success.

Here's an incontrovertible fact: Every one of your ancestors survived to reproductive age and got it on at least once with a member of the opposite sex. All the way back to Homo erectus. And even further back to Australopithecus.