Online dating so suave

They love not knowing exactly what's going to happen from moment to moment. They love not knowing exactly what you'll do or say next. They love surprises, and they love the excitement and sometimes even the anxiety generated by the unknown. No, I want a man who adds excitement to my hum-drum life. So what you want to do, what you need to do, is vary your personality, just a little, every once in a while, in order to keep her intrigued, to keep her wondering, to keep her thinking about and trying to figure out Yes, of course, you have and should have a "base" persona that you like, that you're proud of, and that you enjoy "being.

Online Dating is a Lost Cause | SoSuave Discussion Forum

Just vary certain things And you'll keep her interested. In THIS particular article we're talking about varying your presentation, which is perhaps the easiest way to add this much coveted aura of unpredictability and intrigue to your persona. How do you look How do you dress How do you smell How you look, dress, and smell are aspects of your presentation and thus aspects of your personality. And they're also aspects that are easy to manipulate, easy to change, easy to vary.

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We're not saying that you NEED to change these things -- you may already have the finest clothes, the most expensive haircut, and the coolest cologne money can buy. We're just saying that, if you want to be the man of her dreams, you need to mix things up a bit, so you don't fall into the predictability trap. So how do you dress? Whether you wear Armani suits or tee-shirts and jeans doesn't really matter You can have a "look" that you like. But your lady should never be able to predict what you'll "always be wearing.

Sometimes you have on a really nice suit and you're dressed to kill. Sometimes jeans and a tee-shirt.

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Sometimes khakis with a collared shirt. And sometimes sweatpants and a old flannel shirt. Sometimes you've got on the nicest dress shoes, and sometimes old, disgusting tennis shoes. Sometimes your clothes are normal, you fit in, and don't attract much attention. And sometimes you deliberately stand out, with bright colors and flashy designs.

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Sometimes boxers, sometimes briefs, sometimes boxer-briefs, and sometimes none of the above hey. You may dress the same most of the time, and hopefully you dress very well, but frequently you look completely different, maybe even bad Remember, it's the spice of life. How bout the way you smell. Do you wear the same cologne all the time? Even if it's her favorite cologne, and all she ever does is tell you how good you smell and rub up against you, don't fall into the trap of wearing the same cologne all the time. I mean, even if pizza is your lady's most favoritest food in the whole world, do you really think she wants to eat it 3 times a day, every day?

I don't think so. What I personally like to do is rotate about 5 different colognes, at about 2 dates or get togethers each. The first couple times you see her, you might wear Eternity. The next couple times you might wear Drakkar.

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The next couple Cool Water. After you've gone through 5 colognes or so, then you can start back over again, or vary them maybe Eternity one date, Romance the next 3 dates, then Drakkar for one date, then whatever. She'll never know exactly how you'll be smelling Another side benefit of varying your cologne - since smells, emotions, and memories are interrelated and processed in a similar area of the brain, every time in the future she smells one of the 5 or so that you rotate, she'll start thinking about you, remembering you, and wondering what you're doing.

Initial attraction is so critical when beginning a relationship.

How This "Nice Guy" Steals Women from Jerks

If it is not there, the two people will never come together. To give yourself a fighting chance, get some good pictures of yourself. I am not talking about getting a pro photographer in tow, but rather have a friend with a digital camera take pictures of you. Pick out three to four, and use them to launch your profile. It's a good idea to put up a variety of pictures, such as: Also, make sure you are smiling. Don't be one of those guys that posts pics with his shirt off, or with Zoolander male model face. Those are basically female-repellant. And please guys, don't make them pornographic — G-rated pictures only.

This should be fairly short, but needs to be both funny and insightful. In other words, be sure to read her profile — let me repeat that — be sure to read her profile! So many guys send out standard emails to women online, and it is obvious to them that you have taken no time to read about her. If you read the profile, can make a light joke out of something she reveals, compliment her and share something in common, you have a strong chance of hearing back from her.

She is more likely to open your email if it catches her attention. A great way to do this is with a humorous remark about something in her profile. This helps to alleviate her anxiety about meeting you. If you have nothing in common, she will feel like there will be nothing to talk about and the date will be awkward and uncomfortable. For the purposes of the first contact, begin a conversation with her by indicating that you share commonalities. To summarize, in the first email you want to cover these three things: Winking is for women to signal their interest to you.

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If she winks, you send an email. A simple, "why don't we continue this by phone? I am happy to call you. If you're comfortable with that, reply with your number, and we'll take it from there.

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Talk for a few minutes, then arrange to meet her. Sometimes, one or both of you are not happy with the look of the other. People often put up very flattering pictures, which don't resemble their actual look in real life. So, meet at a gallery, or a park, or a free event. Meeting for coffee, in this case, is also a good idea.