My best friend and i are dating twins

Plus they have totally different personalities. She had already dated my boyfriend before dating him.

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Finding the differences when I first met them was embarrassingly difficult, but now I can tell from all angles. Never had any mishaps or confusion of who is who while we were dating. I almost smacked her butt a few times when we were all together. Also, you know that scene in Paranormal Activity where the wife stands by the bed staring at her husband for hours. My sister in law is married to an identical twin. The only noticeable difference between the two is the twin stands up straighter.

From what I understand, she is incredibly attracted to the twin obviously, right? It causes me anxiety to think about that. My dad is a twin. My mom actually dated his twin first and when they broke up, my dad asked her out. I started dating a twin. So now at family gatherings, its me and my old room mate hanging out with our twin wives.

Its weird but really great. And then to make it especially crazy, the two of them had children a couple years ago. That were born on the birthday of… our wives. We talk about guys and relationships and watch a lot of real housewives together. The three of us lived together for a while before my husband and I got married and it was fun.

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My wife is a twin. Her sister and I have a relationship that I would liken to brother and sister. I am an only child, so it works out great for me. As far as romantic interests go, I am not interested in the twin at all. I am getting married to a twin next week! I can definitely tell their looks apart but if they are in another room talking to one another it just sounds like she is having a conversation with herself. They have the exact same laugh and voice which can be confusing at times. I find his brother ugly LOL. I see them completely different.

I love him more than I feel like I would a normal brother in law because he is a carbon copy of my husband. But I have no romantic feelings towards him whatsoever.

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Their personalities are polar opposites and I could never be attracted to him sexually or anything. I dated a twin. Her identical twin sister was insanely jealous to the point of cockblocking. We broke up for unrelated reasons.

My friend went on to marry twin in question and they had similar problems. Her twin is really co-dependent and intrusive. Not respectful of boundaries and would literally try to get between them. I was dating an identical twin.

Me and my best friend date twins?

Her sister was married and had 3 kids. They did not look identical. Crazy what kids could do to you. Identical hairstyles, they do everything together, we have to live within a 5 minute radius of each other, they dress in the same style, and if one buys something then the other decides they like it and have to buy one as well.

We bought a new light for over our dining room table; a while later I notice my SIL has a new light — the same one we bought.

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This happens all the time. They spend a LOT of time together. Like probably 20 times a day they text or call, every day.

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My spouse sometimes gets recognized as their twin around the small town we live in. I try and goad her into saying something obnoxious and blame it on the twin, but no dice. Probably not that different than most sister in laws TBH. Have a wife that is a identical twin. I gay dude dated a twin once, and his identical brother was in the closet at the time.

The one I was dating cheated on me and the in-the-closet one consoled me, and we ended up sleeping together. It was super surreal. Anybody knows dating someone freshly out of the closet and just discovering their identity is not going to last. Their bodies were identical and I really loved his brother before the heartbreak of him cheating, so it was intense and crazy. She is a great sister in law. Spoils my son like an aunt should. She is completely different from my wife as a person and even though she looks the same there is zero physical attraction.

My SIL twin was standing next to the chair. Without me knowing, she walked away and my wife came and stood next to me.

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She grabbed my hand and have it a squeeze and I got really awkward because I had no idea they had switched places on me until I looked. My MIL thought that was hilarious. Their personalities are quite different. Their interests and career paths have diverged greatly. Can i date friend's twin bro? If im dating a twin, is it okay to be good friends with his twin brother? My best friend is having a concert. How can I leave my friends?

People Dating An Identical Twin Answer The Question On Everybody's Mind | HuffPost UK

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