Enfps dating each other

Even though we're both fiercely independent we are spending every available moment with each other and can't keep our hands to ourselves for even one minute. All of this is so amazing that now I'm quite worried that this fire is burning too hot and might not be sustainable.

Two ENFPs as a couple sustainable? : ENFP

Any other double ENFP couples out there, what is your experience? Did you go the distance?

Closing in on three years together enfp-enfp and engaged now! I'm closer to infp end of spectrum versus partner being more classic enfp. Started out hot, and even though early infatuation stage has passed, the comfort and passion are still great! We both have had difficult long-term relationships with less compatible types, and so we thoroughly appreciate how easy things are between us.

Only time will tell! Best of luck to you two!

My parents are both ENFPs. They split up when I was 3 but maintained an excellent co-parenting relationship and still consider each other family. Yes it is sustainable. If the two ENFPs have other sources of energy from other people, feedback from the environment that keep them on the straight and narrow.

I am just providing you one perspective out of many perspectives. Feel free to sample more perspectives in all their beautiful subjectivity for that is what makes life living, experience, sentimentality, subjectivity all of these are the taste-buds we taste reality with. Funny you should say that, my other ENFP tried to take all his energy from me, while I was stimulated by lots of other things.

I think that might have contributed to the fizzle! This is great advice - it's so easy to get caught up in the "couple bubble" but friends and community are super important. Yup, I think any types can work together if they are well-rounded, mature, and good communicators! But be careful about the sex.

What attracts you to an ENFP?

Focus more on substance like deep love and commitment. Think about a fire made from paper and with gasoline dumped on that and how quickly it burns out. Start out with kindling, and some carefully picked firewood. Keep adding it on it's a progression and you've got substance that will fuel a slow burning and long-lasting passion for each other.

I personally wish I had waited with my Enfp I am an Enfp female. We would've been thinking more clearly and made better choices. I totally think I could be with an Enfp, although the one I married has been very dysfunctional. It's hard to see the red flags when you are burning with desire and basking in the glow of all that dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. Try to slow it down a wee bit and decide if he is the right Enfp for you, cause although the connection is very important to us, it isn't everything. If you have some serious doubts and that inner alarm goes off like "yo dude something aint right here.

Having the same dominant function can be a challenge too. I love having a man who is similar to me in so many ways, but I do celebrate the differences of other types who are quite similar but not exactly my personality type! ENFPs constantly explore new ideas and improvements, fantasize about future possibilities — in dating, this tendency to look at potential rather than the present can be self-defeating, and their spontaneity makes it harder to stay focused on their end goal of a long-term relationship.

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The ENFP’s Guide To Dating Other Idealist Types

This represents how I act in a relationship. I only wish to show my affectionate other only the best of my emotions. This is so me They seek and demand authenticity and depth in their personal relationships, and will put forth a lot of effort into making things work out.

They are warm, considerate, affirming, nurturing, and highly invested in the health of the relationship. They have excellent interpersonal skills, and are able to inspire and motivate others to be the best that they can be. Energetic and effervescent, the ENFP is sometimes smothering in their enthusiasm, but are generally highly valued for their genuine warmth and high ideals.

Good communication skills Very perceptive about people's thought and motives Motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others Warmly affectionate and affirming Fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic Strive for "win-win" situations Driven to meet other's needs Usually loyal and dedicated ENFP Weaknesses Most ENFPs will exhibit the following weaknesses with regards to relationship issues: Tendency to be smothering Their enthusiasm may lead them to be unrealistic Uninterested in dealing with "mundane" matters such as cleaning, paying bills, etc.

Hold onto bad relationships long after they've turned bad Extreme dislike of conflict Extreme dislike of criticism Don't pay attention to their own needs Constant quest for the perfect relationship may make them change relationships frequently May become bored easily Have difficulty scolding or punishing others ENFPs as Lovers "To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as the positive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know was possible before.

They are enthusiastic, idealistic, focused on other people's feelings, and very flexible.

These attributes combine to make them especially interested in positive personal relationships, and also makes them very able to promote strong relationships in fun and creative ways. ENFPs take their commitments very seriously, and are generally deeply loyal and faithful to their partners. There are a couple of difficult relationship areas for the ENFP.

The first problem is that many ENFPs have a problem leaving bad relationships. They tend to internalize any problems and take them on their own shoulders, believing that the success or failure of the relationship is their own responsibility. As perfectionists, they don't like to admit defeat, and will stick with bad situations long after they should have left.

When they do leave the relationship, they will believe that the failure was their fault, and that there was surely something they could have done to save the relationship. On the entirely other end of the spectrum, many ENFPs have a difficult time staying focused and following things through to completion.

If they have not focused on their ability to follow through, they may have problems staying in dedicated, monogamous relationships.

ENFP descriptions

They are so in tune with all of the exciting possibilities of what could be, that they will always fantasize about a greener pasture out there somewhere. If they are not paired with a partner who enjoys new experiences, or who shares their idealistic enthusiasm, the ENFP may become bored. The ENFP who is bored and who is not focused will be very unhappy, and will eventually "leave" the relationship if the problem is not addressed.

Since relationships are central to the ENFP's life, they will be very "hands on" and involved with their intimate relationships. They may be in the habit of constantly asking their partner how they're doing, what they're feeling, etc. This behavior may be a bit smothering, but it also supports a strong awareness of the health or illness of the relationship. Their rich fantasy world makes them fun and creative lovers, who usually have new ideas up their sleeves.