Dating ship spikes

The insurgents were aided by the Sugi crime lord Faazah , who supplied them with specialized fuel cells. In hyperspace, Teller and his fellow insurgents decided to turn the Carrion Spike into a symbol of resistance against the Empire. The shipjackers were either survivors and witnesses of the Antar Atrocity , a mass murder which had been instigated by Tarkin following the Clone Wars. They were secretly supported by Tarkin's rival Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit , who supplied them with weapons, communications equipment, and intelligence on Imperial targets. Rancit wanted to use the rebel insurgency to gain favor with the Emperor and elevate himself to Moff.

Using the ship's stealth systems, the insurgents caught the Imperial defenders by surprise and inflicted heavy casualties on the station's V-wing and ARC starfighters. The Spike also disabled the Parsec Predator but not before the latter inflicted damage on the ship's spine. Before fleeing into hyperspace, the insurgents also destroyed the station's hyperspace buoy and jettisoned Lord Vader's meditation chamber. The insurgents then attacked TaggeCo 's mining facilities on Lucazec.

Anora and Hask produced holovids of the attack that were streamed on HoloNet. With the Carrion Spike running low on fuel, Teller's dissidents traveled to Phindar in the Mandalore sector ; one of the few places that could support the corvette's unique fuel requirements. Rancit had warned the insurgents that the Empire was waiting for them at Gromas in the Perkell sector. Despite Teller impersonating an Imperial officer, the Phindar administrator managed to alert Moff Tarkin and Lord Vader to the ship's presence. Following a brief dogfight , the insurgents destroyed the orbital tanker by detonating a concealed explosive device before fleeing into hyperspace.

The Carrion Spike sustained significant damage to its hull and exterior lights as a result of the Phindar dogfight. Part of the ship's rectenna array had also been ripped way by a tractor beam. Most of the electronic appliances in the galley and medical bay were destroyed. Parts of the ship were inaccessible due to air lock damage and radiation leaks.

While the ship's weapons and stealth systems, sensor suite, hyperdrive, and navicomputer still functioned, the shield generators were only functioning at 50 percent capacity. After examining the ship's engine room, Artoz discovered that the Imperials had been tracking the Carrion Spike using the ship's paralight tracker. To put the Empire off their scent, Teller transmitted hyperspace coordinates claiming that the Carrion Spike was traveling to the Obroa-skai system. Teller also got the Lantillies information broker and fellow insurgent Knotts to send the YT freighter Reticent as a decoy.

Later, the insurgents used the Carrion Spike to attack the Imperial facility in the Nouane system. However, Vice-Admiral Rancit had dispatched reinforcements to bolster Imperial facilities across the galaxy. The Spike was repulsed by lasers and barely managed to escape into hyperspace. As a result, the ship sustained considerable damage to its systems.

Realizing that Rancit had double-crossed them, Teller's insurgents abandoned the Carrion Spike and transferred to Teller's modified Providence -class dreadnought. They then set the Carrion Spike on autopilot to Carida under the pretext of attacking the Imperial Academy there. To cover his collusion with the insurgents, Rancit attempted to destroy the Carrion Spike with the Secutor -class Star Destroyer Conquest ' s laser cannons.

After Vader had executed Rancit, Tarkin repossessed his damaged corvette.

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Tarkin then defeated Teller's insurgents as they were ambushing an Imperial convoy near the Gulf of Tatooine. Following the capture of the insurgents with the exception of Teller, Tarkin confronted them about the damage done to his corvette. The Carrion Spike swiftly arrived and as it lowered towards the two, lightning continuously struck it. Tarkin told Vader he would take him to a repair bay on the corvette to have him fixed and as the Carrion Spike was landing, Vader choked Tarkin to show him that he had not entirely won.

By 3 BBY , the ship was back in regular use as a transport by Tarkin. He traveled in it on a surprise visit to Alderaan , claiming to the Organas that it had suffered unexpected engine trouble. Terex along with the former stormtrooper Corlac had joined a criminal organization called the Ranc gang. Terex was determined to restore the Old Empire and recognized the Carrion Spike as Tarkin's former flagship.

He set about repairing the ship's engines, life support , cloaking device, surveillance, and weapons. Using the ship's surveillance systems, he was able to eavesdrop on a conversation between Corlac, Bett , and Wenda. After learning that Corlac and the others planned to kill him, Terex used the Carrion Spike ' s laser cannons to incinerate the command deck where they were meeting, killing them.

Terex then took control of the gang and became a notorious crime lord in that region of space. After his underlings ambushed a cargo vessel, they submitted a set of stormtrooper armor from the First Order. Terex fitted the Carrion Spike with a luxurious personal suite, that was staffed by several alien slaves, who served his every whim. Terex was aboard his personal suite on the Carrion Spike when Phasma contacted him via hologram and assigned him with capturing Poe Dameron , who had stolen information that treacherous New Republic Senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor had been trying to pass to the First Order.

Abandoning his former crime associates to Megalox Beta 's high gravity , Terex used the ship to ram through the Megalox space station , disabling the gravity shield around Megalox prison.

Dating ship Spikes

As the prison guards departed in shuttles to evacuate the prisoners , Terex ordered the Carrion Spike to open fire on them. Black Squadron however turned around and inflicted heavy damage on the Carrion Spike. As a result, Terex reluctantly acceded to crew's request that they cloak and retreat into hyperspace. Later, Terex disobeyed Phasma's orders to return to First Order Space and instead decided to continue his campaign against Dameron and the Resistance.

Following the events at Megalox, Terex's First Order crew completed repairs to the ship. However, Terex refused to inform his crew when they would be returning to First Order Space. After reflecting on his past experiences during the Battle of Jakku , Terex received news from his crew that Phasma was seeking a report into the events at Megalox Beta.

Terex shot the interface comm unit and activated Authorization Code TK, which locked the First Order crew out of the communications, engines, and weapon systems. He then took the ship to the Outer Rim world of Kaddak , the headquarters of the Ranc gang. Terex landed his ship at The Sliver on Level 72 , where his crew attempted to restart the communications, engines, and weapons systems. They were unable to do so since they needed to replace the central computer systems, an operation that could only be done in deepdock.

Any ship spike experts? - Friendly Metal Detecting Forums

After killing Wisper and retaking control of the Ranc gang, [13] Terex returned with his gangsters who took over the ship. However, Terex responded that he would use the Ranc gang to destroy the Resistance. Terex then took his ship for a spin and ordered the inhabitants of Kaddak to capture Dameron.

Terex's crew managed to lock onto Poe's X-wing using the ship's advanced sensors. Muva stowed aboard the Carrion Spike [6] in an attempt to rescue his wife. He informed his fellow Ranc colleagues including Zumgi and Brrang that they would attack Dameron's starfighter once he had dropped back into realspace. Terex's plan was to follow Dameron back to the Resistance base and destroy the Resistance. Later, Phasma contacted Terex by hologram and ordered him to abandon his mission on the grounds that Snoke had forbidden open hostility by the First Order military against forces aligned with the New Republic.

Treasure in the soul. Thanks for that info. I can't mention where. But someone found some gold coins way north of the fleet. Supposedly two ships off Fernandina from what I heard also.

Dating Ship Wreck Nails

But no telling how many line the coast? Not sure anyone on here will live long enough to know? I'll check it out next time I'm that way. Actually never been to the pirate museum that I remember? I didn't know the spikes from the fleet were iron. I've never seen a iron square spike from the fleet. Maybe I'll get lucky.

That's amazing that iron could last years in salt water. Most of them dont. They usually fall apart. Heres an intact one we found abount an hour ago. It is about 9" long. User Name Remember Me? Any ship spike experts? Trying to date this thing to see if it is from the treasure fleet era.

Mlp Discord Created Spikes Newest Ship

Found well north of most the treasure fleet. Wood dried out which made the spike real loose since shells used to hold it in. I know it's old. Just not sure how old?

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Originally Posted by Pennypacker View post That is cool. I would bet my BVD's it's from the fleet. Originally Posted by itsaring! I agree with Dirtydog. Lots of wooden shipwrecks over the past years Big old spike, very cool find Larry. Actually, almoat all the spikes found on the fleet wrecks have been iron.