Is a 17 year old dating a 20 year old legal

Especially if she hasn't graduated from high school yet.

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You're a grown man you really shouldn't be dating someone going to high school classes. If she turns 18 and a couple of months what's the big rush to date her anyway? I just saw that you were from Europe.

20 year old guy with a 17 year old girl thoughts? - The Student Room

Just don't confuse the age of consent with the fact that she's still a minor. Wait to date her if she's going to be 18 anyway. Even then she's very young and that's a big age gap to overcome when you're young. Edited on August 23, at Thats was exactly what i wanted to explain. But should it be ok if we made out nothing sexual? Thats what I wanted to ask.

Is it legal for a 20-year old to date a 17-year old so long as there is no sexual activity?

Thanks for your reply! Do you really want to be the guy that got to first base with a minor? Are you willing to risk explaining to the detectives that you only kissed the minor? Are you willing to risk being in a he-said she-said situation when you are a legal adult and she is a minor? Nope, nope and nope. How many times are you going to post this? I keep reading about child brides in the Us so I guess if her parents are ok with it, then what's the problem? People under 16 are allowed to voluntarily have sexual contact with each other, as long as the following conditions are met:. The law says that a or year-old can consent to sexual activities.

What Is The Age Of Consent?

But it is still a crime to take part in sexual activities with a or year-old if these elements are proved:. The law always takes into account consent for people 18 years old or older.

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So, a person accused of a crime can raise as a defence the fact that his or her adult partner consented to the sexual activities. This article explains in a general way the law that applies in Quebec. This article is not a legal opinion or legal advice. You are about to visit a Quebec website.

Robert Jason de Groot Partner at R. Jason de Groot, P. Answered on Oct 08th, at 5: Yes that is legal. Yes the parents need to consent.

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As long as 20 year old is not in position of trust, then consent of 17 yo is all that is needed, even for sex. Well the 17 year old is still subject to the dictates of the parent. They will be an adult in less than a year. The court will not do anything about it but they could kick her out of the house if she does not follow their rules.

Even if the person id over 18 the parents can still make whatever rules have to be followed as a condition of staying under their roof.

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There is nothing illegal about a 20 year old dating a 17 year old.