Matchmaking issues halo mcc

Halo MCC Revisited

The Master Chief Collection? As you read this message, we're working with our external partner to correct this issue right away. We appreciate your patience in the meantime! Additionally, it's come to our attention that some of our members are unable to view the online state and activity of other users on their Friends list.

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Don't worry folks, we're on it! Thanks for hanging in there while we work.

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MCC - How To Fix Match Making! (How to Get into Games)

Runde Landesligaqualifikation am The Xbox was way better than the Xbox one. It is a load of rubbish. For every good game they bring out they are going to have servers down. Microsoft is just bad.

  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection Title Updates | Halo Nation | FANDOM powered by Wikia.
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  • Halo the Master Chief Collection Multiplayer Matchmaking not working - Microsoft Community.
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  • They are pushing a bad product to sell their system and once you crack the box you're stuck because most places will not give you a refund on an open video game console or game. I just got the game and have been lucky if I have been able to play a dozen or so matches. I have even gone back to my and using matchmaking on Reach because a 20 minute wait time to connect to a game on Master chief is just too long when I want to get blown up 10 times by homicidal maniacs lol.

    How to fix Matchmaking issue

    Well known problem with everyone. Luckily the co-op campaigns work very well. So I guess we should stop badgering Microsoft and turn our attention to who apparently is the ones having the problems.