Dating questions christian

Do you want a Christian Marriage? Do you even know what this is? Do you think it is important for you to go to church as a family? When you have children? Do you presently pray for each other? What questions do you have about religious background after this conversation? Dating When did you begin dating? How many people have you seriously dated? What does dating even mean to you?

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If you have dated before how did your relationships break-up? Why did they fall apart? What were the strong points in those relationships? What were the weaknesses or conflicts in those relationships?

80+ questions to go through while you are dating -

Is there anything in your past your boyfriend or girlfriend should be away of? If your past boyfriend or girlfriend listed your negative qualities, what would they say? What questions do you have about dating do you have after this conversation? Family Background Was your family ever divorced, separated, widowed? Are your parents still alive? How is your relationship with your mother and father? What was your childhood like? What are some family traditions that might affect your relationship later in life? Week long Christian get-togethers?

80+ questions to go through while you are dating

What questions do you have about family background after this conversation? Children Do you want any? How long will you wait? Will someone stay home with the kids or will they be in daycare? If someone will stay home — who? If you want kids but are unable to, what will you do? What are your feelings about adoption? How much should the man be involved in raising the children? What kind of home do you want your children growing up in? What do you think your children will teach you? What questions do you have about children after this conversation?

Professional Goals What will you do?

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Where will you live? What comes with the job you have chosen? Consistent salary or commission? What questions do you have about professional goals after this conversation? Personal Growth What books have you read lately? What are your strengths, weaknesses?

Good christian dating questions

What strengths could you be working more on? What courses or seminars have you attended last year? What questions do you have about Personal Growth after this conversation? What first attracted you to each other? Do you exercise regularly? What exercise do you like to do together? What turns you off sexually about the other person?

How do you feel about alcohol? How do you feel about smoking? Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Is he willing to postpone immediate gratification so that greater satisfaction can come in the future? Does he live out the biblical teaching that sacrifice and struggle often are necessary to achieve greater long-term goals? Or does he relentlessly pursue short-term pleasure at the expense of long-term consequences?

In contrast, a life of devotion brings inner peace, fulfillment, and the promise of better things to come in the future. What is his attitude toward other people? Does he use others merely as tools to get what he wants, or does he genuinely care about other people? Is he polite because his parents taught him good manners, or because he sincerely respects others? How does he treat the less fortunate in our society?

Does he care about the needy? Does he have a sense of social justice that makes him want to see conditions for the poor improved, or is he uncaring or even cynical about those who have less than he does? He who mocks the poor, says Proverbs Does he exhibit the traits of Jesus? Does he forgive those who hurt him or does he enjoy nursing a grudge and plotting revenge?

Is he generous toward others? Does he stand up for what's right? Does he care about the poor and the downtrodden? My friend Gary Collins, a Christian psychologist, put it this way: Nobody is perfect and we are all tempted to sin, but the true Christ-follower shows signs of becoming more like the master. Who does he spend his time with? Birds of a feather do tend to flock together. You can learn a lot about his discernment and what he values by looking at who he shares his time with.

What to Look for in a Christian Guy - Christian Dating Advice

Is he constantly pulled toward the "in-crowd" whose main activities would be anything but pleasing to God, or does he seek relationships with Christians who can encourage him to grow in his faith and lovingly hold him accountable? Do not be misled, says 1 Corinthians Does he care about bringing the Gospel to those who haven't heard it?

People whose hearts have been transformed by Christ feel motivated to share their faith with others. But someone who's a Christian in name only sees no reason to bring the message of Jesus to those who haven't heard it. As one ancient saint said: Is he honest about the little things in life?

Integrity means there's a consistency between a person's beliefs and behavior or between his character and creed. Does he have a reputation for being trustworthy, or is he known for trying to cleverly cut ethical corners? One woman said her boyfriend's character was revealed when a waiter accidentally gave them the bill for another table. Instead of pointing out the error, he tried to quickly pay the lesser amount and leave - until she stopped him. Seemingly small acts of dishonesty often reveal the true state of a person's heart.

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  7. The godly walk with integrity, says Proverbs Through what lenses does he see the world? We all view life through one kind of lens or another. Genuine Christianity is a way of seeing and comprehending all reality. Does he recognize and apply the Bible as the foundation for his whole life?