Wot matchmaking chart 9.0

Any idea about T2 light? That tank is pretty fun, but nowhere close enough to OP even if we give it normal MM. Funny, been the other way around for me. My tier 5 premiums sees pure tier 5 games more then anything. Pure tier 5 games are fine, but the pure tier 8 games with the SP is not ideal tbh. I just figured the new MM was really nice to low tiers. I just found out about this on my own,with the pz. Well that explains why my Gr. As a new player in the Pz 1c facing a KV-1 is not ideal.

Matchmaking Battle Table for - Gameplay - World of Tanks official forum

Guess Im the only one missing facing tier 5s with tier 3 tanks. I had more fun in tier 5 battles than in tier 3 or 4, which got infested with PzIc, T and B2s. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Take, for example, an Pz. It doesn't have unique matchmaking. Thus we go find the row for Vehicle Tier 2, Light Tank, and see to the right that this vehicle can fight in battle tiers 1, 2 and 3.

I , on the other hand, benefits from unique matchmaking, as it will never encounter tier 3 tanks. The applicable battle tiers for each vehicle are also shown on the right sidebar of each tank's page on this wiki. The selection of the battle tier you fight in depends on the amount of players available for each battle tier and is otherwise random.

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Once enough candidates for a certain battle tier are found, the matchmaker tries to form two teams from them. For this purpose each vehicle is assigned a certain weight, and the matchmaker tries to keep the weight of both teams as equal as possible. Weighting is performed by vehicle tier and vehicle type, some vehicles are individually weighted, and for some vehicles there are special restrictions. Whether vehicles are stock or fully researched, how they are equipped, nor crew skill is taken into account by the match-maker.

Vehicle tier is not taken into consideration when balancing teams. This is a common misconception among players.

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For example, under the current rules a tier 8 medium can be matched against a tier 7 heavy tank. The only relevance of vehicle tier is to determine the battle tier.

World of Tanks Matchmaking Rant

However, the top tanks of each team have the same vehicle tier due to the current balancing rules. The vehicle tier should be taken into consideration as it reflects a preordained operating range of a vehicle also known as classification. The range of each tier gradually increases with technology and tiers can overlap. If you are in a platoon, the entire platoon is placed into battles according to the platoon member in the vehicle with the highest battle tier.

This can produce unwanted results in particular for new players at the lower tiers. For example, a tier 4 scout can enter battles up to tier 7, whereas a tier 4 medium tank on its own can only join battles up to tier 6. They were unable to keep up with the battle and actually did little to no damage. MM is not a tiering problem as per say. More of a problem of stupid people.

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WG need to punish for this more. But this would also encourage camping early in the game. Or something like pushing players to shoot twice late on and die to prevent camping. Really just a loose thought A completely different ranking system for tiers might actually be better.

Matchmaking Battle Table for 9.6

Must have more than x amount of average damage over games or so to advance to the next tier. Basically you have to prove you have at least skill of x of better to advance. But of course WG could not ever change to that sort of system as its far to disruptive. I don't get how every tier from could be bottom tier all the time.

That statistically doesn't make sense. I've had a lot of fun in my Cromwell since the patch as it feels like I'm top tier in it half the time. All in all I like the new MM more than the old one. What makes it worse is the leap in alpha and penetration, one or the other would be fine. Trying to grind to the e75 currently and it is unbearable. The only time i see tier 8 at top tier is when i play tier 6 or 7. T44 can't really pen a Jap Superheavy frontally unless lucky and you hit the machine gun port.

The Tiger II is rather mediocre, so you're not going to have a great time. Saying that 'making the most of your armour' is only a good strategy if you can bounce shots. If you know they're going to pen you, then it's best to not get shot in the first place. You can still sidescrape, about the only thing you can try when any td a tier above you can pen your ufp. That was me even before the MM change for the most part.

Though I have noticed the difference in lower tiers though. One of the issues is also If you run a pref mm tank, your platoon mates can't take n a tank 1 tier lower anymore Just do not buy tier 8 premium tanks. Wargaming cares about one thing more than anything or anybody else and that is Money. For this to work, you would first need enough awareness on this issue that even the least involved wot player hears about it. And unfortunately it seems as if the new non-pref-MM premiums fare better in the new MM than the old pref-MM premiums.

Nearly entirely tier 8 games, only ever got single tier games as my 'top' tank. Never saw a tier 7 tank, never saw a tier 6 tank. Saw plenty of tier 10 and nearly every game was a tier 9 with 5 of them.

WarGaming, How can you fuck this so badly? Perhaps there is something they're not telling us. Do well Win wise and guarantee yourself bottom tank time and time again? Platoon bug was the greatest bug I've ever seen in World of Tanks, it actually took skill to be good in a one tier only game. It wasn't just about how much alpha your tank two tiers above everyone else could do to delete the opponent.

I wish they would just give more tanks preferential matchmaking. For a tank like skorp g, getting a tier 10 game is not the end of the world. For a kv 4, you might as well just afk not really, I don't do that because it's almost a guarantee you won't do shit that game. Even the Skorp G is getting hit hard by the new MM. I'm making far less credits per hour. I agree that it's been affected, but KV4 is unplayable now.

Brand new player here, only started a few days ago and honestly this is pretty disheartening since I started playing specifically to play with my friends. It's something my noob eyes have noticed though. When my friends have been at work and I play solo highest tiers I have is a t5 and t6 unlocked a few hours ago I seem to do far, far better than when I'm platooned with them.

Once we platoon up it seems that we're pretty much always the bottom tiers and we just get roflstomped match after match. Yet, when I play solo the matches seemed way more fair. I wasn't sure if it was something I was imagining or something was actually happening, this proves without a doubt that our grinding of t5 to earn me money has been a complete detriment to the enjoyment of the game. My M4A3E2 hasn't fared any better having just unlocked it with them, of the 12 games we managed to play tonight we got stomped in 9 of them.

I'm guessing at this rate, if I boot up the game tomorrow and play solo for a while my stats will dramatically improve.

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What a huge disappointment. I'm almost reluctant to share this with them, but I'm sure they've noticed it as well. Don't worry, the recent matchmaking change hasn't ruined the game or anything. It's just that in the process of fixing some old problems it introduced a few new problems is all.