Signs youre dating a good woman

When you find a woman who is sweet, or any version of it, put a ring on it!

Whether you're in Central Park or in the South of France with her, she makes you really, really happy. You should be able to laugh and be silly with her. Communicating is easy because you can talk to her, and I mean really talk to her.

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You feel safe and comfortable sharing your emotions with her. You know she'll be by your side through thick or thin. She's a good partner. Your life is better with her in it.

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She's someone you can build and imagine! Picturing having a family with her is a no-brainer, because she'd be a good mom.

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She'd be such a great wife that you'd consider giving her a wife bonus. Plain and simple, you want to be with her. You hear stories from your friends about how they love being single, or they dread seeing their wives. Maybe your single friends talk about how they don't want to give up the bachelor life. Your coupled friends say they work late just to avoid spending quality time with their significant others. But you don't feel that way. Being with her never gets old. You want to be with her -- as much as you can! You catch her checking you out pretty often. You might be in gym shorts, or in black tie formal, and she always thinks you're the sexiest man alive.

You know she's your ride or die lady.

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She'd never cheat on you, because she loves you too much. She could be on a girls trip in Ibiza for 10 days straight and you know you have nothing to worry about. She's there when you need her and she makes you a priority. She could be fully dressed, or sans clothing, but when you look at her, you think "Daaaamn. And that level of friendship, trust and comfort is exactly what you need to make a relationship work. Can you depend on her?

11 Signs That Show You're Dating A High-Quality Woman

Will she stay by your side or will her love waver the minute the waters turn rough? Bloody amazing, in fact! This means that she listens when you talk to her, takes your opinions on board, and treats you like her equal in the relationship. How to do a Las Vegas hen do on a Skegness budget.

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