Seho and nana dating

I think nana being "mean" to seho is actually so funny and part of what makes their relationship amusing. I highly doubt they have the same dynamic irl. Nana could be Mother Theresa-like and netizens would still be pressed tbh Edited at Reply Parent Thread Link. I get the whole "Seho butt of jokes" thing bc of his looks, but if the women are not attracted to him, why should they pretend to be attracted to him? Nana clearly doesn't want him, but he stays acting thirsty. I know these reality shows are scripted, but if the situation were real, it appears that people expect Nana to just accept the man's affection just bc he likes her.

I mean it's like when guys harass women on the street. When the girl doesn't reciprocate, some men get violent. Why should women have to accept that? If a woman doesn't like a man, why should she have to pretend that she does? I don't think anyone, man or woman, should have to pretend that they like someone when they don't. People say Nana is rude, but from watching the show I feel Nana only gets "rude" when he gets pushy. When he doesn't try to act like they are a couple, I feel like she is nice to him. Thing is if Nana acted like she did like him in a romantic way when she doesn't, then people would attack her for being fake and leading him on.

Edited at You can't make someone like someone they don't like. I hope they don't have a loveline just for ratings. I for one have a big ass crush on seho and mama shin. Im sorry but those other guys minus min woo I cant It's focused on dramas, but a lot of websites that offer dramas will also have variety shows available. What do you think about Jo Seho?

I kind of dislike him and I don't know why.

After School's Nana addresses dating rumors with Hong Jong Hyun on 'Roommate' | allkpop

He is awkward in Happy Together. It's like he is not fit to be in a variety show. It was okay in Roommate because the variety show doesn't depend on reactions much but on Happy Together he often seems lost. I think the reason I'm put off of him is because it feels like he's too concerned in securing air time and being centre. Like he doesn't join the show to have fun and support people unless he gains. Jo Seho's comments feels like hes reading off a script. I've only really seen him in Roommate and found a lot of his interactions very contrived and fake.

I understand there's a lot of scripted situations, but he never seems to be able to transition to them in a natural way. There's also a lot of times where I find him to be a bit creepy with female guests. I just remember the whole thing with him and Nana, man that got old fast. It's funny if it happens every so often but it got really annoying when he was trying to create his own loveline.

Yeah, Seho seemed to take those lovelines just a bit over the line. To me, Nana always seemed slightly uncomfortable whenever he gave her a gift or tried to keep the gag going.

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Still find Carbon Copy corny, but they look settled now. I don't have any strong feelings about him, but I guess I like him enough to think he gets more shit than he probably deserves.

[cut] Roommate ep 10 NaNa dance with seho

Meanwhile, Shinyoung seems to have taken after Shin Bongsun and now asks some really nice questions. I had never heard of him, watched a few episodes of Room Mate 2, and found him really irritating.

Now I try to avoid anything he's involved with. In the past year there's been many "Hot" celebrities that I feel are only funny or hot for this time but won't last.

Seho nana dating

These guys seem to be playing the same card over and over and over again and I feel people are getting tired of it. To survive on variety shows or even more difficult yet on comedy shows a person has to be innovative and changing with the times. They can act, adjust with their surroundings, but yet keep their fans laughing and satisfied. I just see it in many of these new comedy celebs.

I haven't really seen Kwanghee on Infinity Challenge but I felt like his character also relied on the same jokes? He also does the same thing where he gets "jealous" of Siwan. Does he still do that?

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I agree with you with Lee GukJoo. I remember watching another celebrity who was known for being overweight and he said that he always had to keep up the "fat" role even though he was tired of it at times. He said he had to eat food deliciously or make jokes about it or other people were offended that he didn't enjoy it enough or something. Yes he does in the beginning it seems just to get it out of the way. It's the same way Yoo Jaesuk well always be known for his ridcilous face, grass hopper dance, or his nickname "Grasshopper".

Outside of that though Kwanghee has shown a lot of talent. He can dance, sing, I believe he had his own cooking show, does a wide aura of variety shows, and now is accepted as part of Infinity Challenge which isn't easy. I think I said on here before that I thought Kwanghee was annoying and tried to hard before but now I really respect him. Maybe some of these newer comedians or stars can prove me wrong as well.

After School's Nana addresses dating rumors with Hong Jong Hyun on 'Roommate'

I can't bear to watch him because he tries too hard and it shows on his face. He also went overboard with the loveline with Nana in Roommate. She was clearly uncomfortable with him and it just spiralled into creepy really quickly. I think people dont like him or find him awkward is because he doesnt have a set character or persona.

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A lot of Korean comedians have this problem, it just doesn't feel natural. Happens the same with Gookju I think that's her name , her whole persona is about how she's overweight. With Seho is how about how he's kinda like a loser at least at first. He's worked really hard to get to his current status and I've got to hand it to him.

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He has debuted for more than 10 years and is finally getting some recognition, he must have whole lot of patience. Overall, his awkwardness has lessen over time. I like him so far.