16 and 25 year old dating

He'll then get the aforementioned 16 year old pregnant a couple times and get fired from McDonald's for stealing money from the register; if he's just slightly smarter than most of them he will go to the temp agency and get an entry level warehouse job for 12 dollars an hour, only to get fired for either calling off 5 times in three weeks or for coming in high on heroin or pills.

He also might be a juggalo. All in all definitely a guy that has his shit together. I work in a warehouse and this kind of guy is basically every other coworker i have. Seattle area person here. Not for everyone, but it's doable.

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IMO it's smarter for me to live at home rn bc I can take that money and get a car, nice phone, etc. Plus having some people to talk to instead of a cat is nice as well. Pay off your debt. If you have none then start saving. You should be easily saving several hundred a month without paying rent. That's not exactly what I mean. Where I live, even a k salary will very barely let you be able to comfortably live alone while also having savings. You missed a photo. Isn't that straight up illegal in some areas though?

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It isn't here, but I'm sure it would be in the US or Europe or something. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new text post. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit.

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No egregious sexism 8.

So I like sex yes do I need it NO. Do we have sex? Because she wants to.

Am i to say no??? We have so much in common yet she does act childish and so do I I've had my ups and downs but I'll never be a boring older male I love hanging out doing what a 16 year old would do. So I say to Hell with people your happy right?? But what if he can't wait till marriage??

Some people will always think the worst, they'll consider the age gap and think a 16 year old girl, and 25 year old guy, cant have much in common, so he must want you only for sex, but you know that's not it, so don't worry about it, it's just that people see the average 25 year old guy as 'sexually experienced' at that age, and probably in a 'sexual relationship', they would naturally assume that because of the age gap, you probably wouldn't share many common interests together, except for sex, but what does it matter what other people think?

It's not a good idea. I know it feels great to be with someone who is older, but ask yourself why he is even dating someone seven years younger than he is. He may have the best intentions, but that won't make it any easier if you two slip one night and he ends up in prison.

How would you feel then?

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And the reality is that sex sometimes happens even when we don't intend it. In the heat of the moment, rationality goes out the window.

16 and 25 year old dating wrong? | Yahoo Answers

This has actually been scientifically proven: We are not ourselves when we are aroused. So stay away, if nothing else for his benefit. And truthfully it is probably good to break it off for your benefit as well. Some research by Dan Ariely. You shouldn't be concerned what other people are saying.


You are obviously mature for your age and 16 and 25 is just a number. Always do what makes you happy, there will always be people who judge anyways. Good luck, you seem very happy: I am with someone 7 years older and madly in love with him. If you are happy and he doesn't make you do anything you are unhappy with then don't let what others say ruin what you have. If you, he and the families are happy then done deal.

Her Boyfriend is 40 Years Older?! -- Age Gap Couple Q&A

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