Things to know before dating an independent girl

She gives support and expects to get it back in return. She wants to be surrounded by people who know exactly how to encourage and motivate her to be the best person she can possibly be. She distances herself from needy people. She avoids people that show signs of neediness. It requires a balance and she refuses to put herself in a scenario where she feels unappreciated.

She takes her pride very seriously, and has a difficult time swallowing it. She rarely asks for help from others.

25 Things You Need to Know Before Dating an Independent Girl

Instead, she will attempt to solve an issue on her own. She will likely try everything humanly possible before she asks for assistance. At the end of the day, you have two choices in love — one is to accept someone just as they are and the other is to walk away. Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.

25 Things You Need to Know Before Dating an Independent Girl

You may unsubscribe at any time. You can be sure she is better at financial planning than you are, and she has already saved enough for her needs and retirement. She will most certainly not want to lean on your shoulder for financial support. She can be stubborn sometimes, wanting her own way. She is intelligent enough, and so may be stubborn and adamant about handling things in a particular way. She does this because she has already done it before, and she does not need any advice for the same. If she needs suggestions, she will ask you without any inhibitions.

So, let her do things her own way. Do not fight her, challenge her instead. She is not the clingy, needy kind. She is certainly not the one who clings and whines, and she will not like you to be one either. If you give her even a slight indication of you needing her every minute, there is very much a chance that she will leave you immediately.

Extremely needy people are a big turn-off for such women. She can do what is termed as 'manly' work with complete ease. Don't even think she will be in trouble when she has to do the typical 'tough' work, as people put it. She is perfectly capable of changing the light bulb in her bathroom, filling up gas at the gas station, repairing her own car, and fixing stuff around the house. If you want to offer help, say so without a chauvinistic note in your voice. She likes her own space, and she'll give you space too.

If you want to go out with your friends, she will be more than happy. She respects privacy, and she needs her own space. She may sometimes want to go out for a night of fun with her friends; do not keep questioning her about where she is going and for how long, even if that is your way of showing concern.

The Biggest Myth About Strong Women (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

She is capable enough of taking care of herself, and she will not like you invading your personal space. She loves the complete freedom of her private life. She believes in the institution of marriage, with the right person of course. She will love to marry and settle down, she will love her spouse and cherish him, as long as she feels he is 'the one'. If not, she will hate to be tied down and would want to get out of the relationship as soon as possible. She may not need people at all. It is true that everyone needs someone at some point, and independent women are no exceptions.

However, they do not need anyone in their life as a rule; they are not desperate. They are firm and self-reliant, and at times, they seem so strong, you may wonder if they need anyone at all.

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The fact is, they do, but can do without as well. And, when they do need you, they will cherish you so much, you'll feel like the luckiest person on the planet. She is extremely loving, caring, and loyal, when she needs to be. She is ever loving and caring, just not in the conventional way.

She will love you with all her heart, and will love to receive the same in return. In the beginning, she will take things slowly, for she does not want to lose her identity amidst the lavish attention she is receiving. Also, when she realizes that she is beginning to like you more than necessary, she will take a step backwards. Don't worry, just give her time to work things out in her mind and set a balance between her love for you and her independence. If she really loves you, she will stand by you even if the entire world is against you.

She will want you to be true to her, because she will be true to you. For her, marriage is not the end of her identity, it's just a phase of life; she will love her spouse and never be shy of exhibiting the same. What's more, she is fiercely loyal. Unless you cheat on her, she will not leave you, come what may.

  1. 12 Things You Have To Know Before Dating An Independent Woman.
  2. list of websites for online dating.
  3. Things to Know When Dating an Independent Woman | Her Campus!
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Honesty and commitment are deeply ingrained in her, and when she gives, she will give you everything she has, because she has chosen you out of her own independent will. You are hers, and she will boast about that to the world. She is headstrong, a feminist, and commands respect. She is headstrong, yes, but she is not egoistic. And yes, she is a feminist. She can survive without love, but not without respect. Her dignity and self-esteem mean everything to her and she will not compromise those values, come what may.

  • 8 Things To Know About Dating An Independent Girl | Career Girl Daily!
  • 12 Things You Have To Know Before Dating An Independent Woman | Thought Catalog!
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  • She knows what she wants, she controls her life, so say what you genuinely mean. She will fearlessly voice her opinion, have healthy debates, and stay strong about her perspective. Not in the least will she put up with disrespect. She's tough, yet vulnerable, outgoing, yet reserved. She is a conflict of emotions. She will be on alert in the beginning, but if she feels you are worth it, she will expose her vulnerable side.

    She will be outgoing, yet, she does not necessarily require to lead that kind of life, so she may be reserved and may catch up on her hobbies. She is hard to please, yet soft at heart. But it will be worth it. She need not tell you everything she is doing.

    Things to Know When Dating an Independent Woman

    She will not tell you when she is paying the bills, or when she is attending her best friend's wedding, or when she is going to the supermarket. She may not even tell you some of the problems she is facing at work or any personal crisis. It does not mean that she is excluding you from her life, it just means that she is used to solving these problems herself.

    She will not whine on your shoulder all the time. She is straightforward and frank. She will tell you what she likes and dislikes about you, she will tell you what she wants from you. It is safer to be equally honest with her; so if you are not ready for a relationship, say so right away.

    She is strong enough to handle it.

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    She is used to taking her own decisions, yet she'll love it if you take initiative. If you go out on a date, she may not even wait for you to place the order, she'll do so herself. Yet, she will love it if you take the initiative. She may be very prone to taking decisions at her workplace, so do not expect that she will depend on you to decide.