New matchmaking dota 2

Selecting more settings can significantly reduce wait time , as the system will be able to search for compatible players from a larger population pool. Game Modes determines which modes you would like to queue for.

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Checking more game modes will increase matchmaking speed. Region determines which regional server you would like to play on. Checking more regions will increase matchmaking speed, but may cause latency issues if the server location is far away. You can select up to 3 regions. It is recommended that you only choose regions where the language you speak is the dominant language for that region, this is to avoid people reporting you from speaking another language this does happen.

The language window allows you to select up to 2 languages. You will be matched with other players who have selected the same languages. Checking more languages will increase matchmaking speed. If no languages are checked, you will be matched with the current language of your client. Players of roughly equal skill will be placed in the same game.

Priority determines how quickly the player is matched with other players. There are 3 types of priority: Players in low priority will not gain battle points from the match, will find games more slowly, and will only be put with other players in low priority. Low priority is a common punishment for abandonment. Base priority is granted to any player when they enter a matchmaking queue provided that they are not in low priority. High priority is granted when a player is returned to queue after a recently failed matchmaking attempt due to another player failing to connect to the game or declining the Ready Check.

Players may be banned from matchmaking for a period of time due to several offenses. Match quality is presumably determined by a combination of the player's behavior score and their account flags value. Players with a high behavior score get matched with other players with a high score and vice versa. The account flags supposedly determine in which matchmaking pool a player should be, independently of their mmr and behavior score.

The current behavior score and account flags can be checked using the Console through the commands. The behavior score shows as grades. The support is sometimes relied upon to purchase items that aid their team such as Urn of Shadows, Glimmer Cape or Force Staff.

The hard support is generally relied on to purchase wards and other vital utility such as Dust of Appearance and Smoke of Deceit for their team. Don't get too caught up in the wording here. There just isn't a good term for the "farming" support since they still get a fraction of what cores get and I don't want to accidentally imply that the so called farming support needs a Hand of Midas and a Battlefury by minute 20 or something stupid like that because it's not a true farmer. It's still a support. But I do hope that the point I was trying to make came across clearly.

Support works slightly differently from cores, so why not make that small distinction to avoid confusion. It's been a while since I played that game and it took me like half a minute to remember the game it was from. Had to rewatch the first part since I wasn't paying attention. Also lanes are more important this meta.

What it should be is that rather than choosing a lane, you choose a position That way, you aren't forced to go into an unfavourable lane matchup so if you're playing drow and don't want to face a centaur for example, having to select pos 1 instead of "safe-lane" allows you to be more flexible with your team in how you play, so you can play mid if you want.

Also, it allows you to separate roaming support and lane support with Pos 4 and 5. By default, pos 1 means safelane.

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The vagueness is simply to avoid discouraging lane swapping in the case of an unfavourable matchup. In this situation, the pos 2 player being uncooperative would technically be in the right, but he is being uncooperative and the blame can fall to him if they lose the game to an unfavourable matchup. This isn't something forcing lanes fixes. Well, In the current scenario people are allowed to change lanes if they think it would be benefitial, I have seen it happen, you are not forced to do anything, the only tool to enforce anything is the report after the mathc and if everyone agrees people shouldn't report you.

Having it that way would just add another layer of abstraction, even more because your pos 1 and be either on the mid or on the safe, depends on the meta, the current standard is decent, perhaps they should only change the Support options IMO.


I really like the way you adressed the issues with integrating this: And I do think it's necessary because the quality of games are really bad, even in high divine games I struggle to play my main role, and so do a lot of other people. This leads to toxicity and the game being way less enjoyable overall. This is honestly unnaceptable since it's been the case for so long, and role queue could've fixed it so long ago that it honestly makes me angry: Gotta look at the bigger picture here.

I really want to see how much the "paywall" factor will affect this feature, if they release it at all. Now, they aren't going to click "every role" and queue in order to keep that same queue time, because now they will end up as a support, which basically forces them to queue only as Pos 1 or Pos 2, which will drastically increase their queue times.

Leave it the way it is. Leave it behind a paywall. Out of my many many many role mm games, I have only had a problem with someone not going their role once. It has become my exclusive way to play. I dont want to have to fight over the role I want to play. Don't add multiple check boxes, pick 1 thing.

Matchmaking/Seasonal Rankings - Dota 2 Wiki

The four categories they have now work fine. If you're not aware that a "support" can be a roamer or jungler or whatever, then you'll learn it fast. My games are infinitely less toxic. Sure I still get cancerous assholes but the rate at which I get them at is greatly reduced. I attribute that to this being behind a paywall. My games are also of infinitely better quality and my win rate is much higher relative to regular ranked.

To sum it up once again: Keep it the way it is. Its worth the money to me and I have had no issues with it. A lot of the issues many people here seem to be claiming seem to be insanely specific scenarios, or seems like they don't play this mode much. Ranked roles is a severe problem at higher mmrs though. This is due to the coordinator. The longer an individual waits in queue, the more lax the matchmaker is in regard to rank disparity -- at least, this used to be the case. Valve would literally print money doing this.

What If there is a option to swap roles? In case you're forced into a pick and isn't comfortable playing and someone else is? Idk if it exists already, if it is the case I'm sorry, also I didn't watch the video yet so again sorry if I'm talking about something already mentioned. And we would also need a way to deal with stacks playing together with solo players. So Stacks would have to somehow mark their roles as well when searching. Other than that, I see no problem with this. Enable Strict Solo Ranked Matchmaking in your advanced gameplay options.

You will ONLY play in a game with 9 other solo players. This has been in the settings for a while now. It may result in slightly longer queue times, but still better than going against a 5 stack with your solo MMR at stake. Raised the question if the video is copied from somewhere. I had to check the reddit history because there is no prior work seen immediately. Looks legit in the end. How did you get into editing? I'm a streamer looking to delve into creating youtube content for Dota. I honestly can't remember, I started back when I was like 11 or 12 using Camtasia studio, just recording Lets Plays.

Moved onto Sony Vegas a few years ago. Tbh nothing I'm doing is very complicated, all I do is split clips, drag them around, adjust the volume of them, and occasionally crop and add fades.

Dota 2’s New Matchmaking System

I've done more advanced stuff in the past but even that doesn't really make me feel like I'm qualified to call myself an editor, just a little hobbyist: If you need a really basic starting point, Youtube tutorials are your absolute bread and butter for learning the technical side of things. Awesome, one more question, could you list 5 things you wish you knew when you started editing that you know now?

I've seen too many damn tutorial videos ruined by screamo in the background to let this one slip by. Like for this video I spent 20 minutes deciding on a track from FTL because I figured it was calm and quiet and wouldn't detract or distract from the video but would rather make it feel less empty.

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Took me over a year before I learned what bitrate is and suddenly it became crystal clear why my p videos still looked like shit. If you're doing voiceover work of any kind, take multiple tries over and over. Save every goddamn minute. Find a way to have a routine autosaver or something. You will some day lose many hours of work to a crash, no matter how careful you are, and it is gutwrenchingly soulcrushing.

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I do a lot of digital music production, and precisely this. I don't want those players queueing for support role to find a game immediately, and then mid or feeding. I guarantee that's what's gonna happen if RR was the only ranked option. People don't want to admit it but keeping RR behind a paywall i. Counter point is that DotA is a game that prides itself over not being pay to win in the slightest.

It would be wrong to match players that have a distinct advantage over the other team.