Transformers dating

I don't want to play this game. Humans can prove to be valuable allies in the war. Not a huge fan, but I'll tolerate them. I don't care about them. Silent mech, will you ask a question? A projection plays on his visor of a few different movies, and a question mark. I'm assuming he's asking which of these movies genres is your favourite? I prefer video games Fleshie, pick an outfit from these to wear. Log in to add to the discussion. Log in or sign up. What is your deepest fear. What Highschool Sterotype are you.

Which of these 13 aesthetics is yours? What type of wings do you have? The Type of Killer You'd Be. What Makes You Terrifying and Dangerous? Who are you to Draco Malfoy? What would you look like if you were a cartoon character? What do guys see you as? How awkward are you? Some wonder why a species that likely does not reproduce sexually would participate in behavior that in other creatures exists as a means to promote sex and thereby new life.

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While a definitive answer to this has yet to be given, the question as to why Transformers become romantically involved with one another can be approached from a different angle. Transformers are a highly social species. This is shown through their very human-like society, interpersonal interactions, familial relationships , and even the fairly common practice of merging bodies and minds. If these are not frowned upon, then why should social connections of the romantic kind be regarded much differently, if at all? Perhaps there is no reason for them to engage in romance, but then there is equally no reason for them not to.

Though rather obscure, there is even an official term for two Transformers in a relationship: Existing as a fan term mostly, it has been used in two official sources, the end-of-game bio for Airazor , in reference to her and Tigatron , in the Nintendo 64 version of the " Beast Wars Transmetals " video game [1] and again in Venus. In addition, Downshift 's Cyber Key Code info appears to refer to Transformer marriage in stating that he and his lifebond partner "joined together under the Covenant of Primus ".

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In issue 38 of this series, Brainstorm uses the term "sparkmate" when he addresses Rewind about his Conjunx Endura. The most common observation of Cybertronian romance is between a male and a female Transformer. Second to that are the number of noted relations between a Transformer and an organic, equally so almost solely between a nominally male and female. These become more frequent as the gender balance becomes less even, even if that is a direct result of Transformers allegedly being genderless. Third in line come "couples" that consist of a Transformer fawning over a not-living object, often regarding it as of the opposite gender.

Until recently, same-gender interests were comparatively rare. The Japanese version of Beast Wars had Airazor as a male, making his relation with Tigatron the first known instance of a homosexual Transformer couple. This is obviously not canon. Paddles had a clear fondness of the humans Randall and Ed , and Magnificus and Ga'mede might have something going between them, but that's about it. A note could be made on the fair chance that Tigatron's beast mode represents a female tiger and was scanned from his partner Snowstalker , yet that is speculation at best.

The real-world explanation for the overall scarcity of anything specific between two of the same gender is that Transformers above all exists to sell toys to children and so has to play in on the wishes and expectations of the assumed general audience. Even if attitude is improving, heterosexuality is still the default assumption and least controversial option in all-ages fiction.

Outside of an accident in translation [2] and a few sneaked-in jokes for older viewers, the default is still for writers to haul up Arcee or insert a new female Transformer to fill the romance niche than play up that sort of interaction in same gender context. However, the IDW comics have a traditionally older audience. This led to the glass ceiling being shattered when More than Meets the Eye depicted Chromedome and Rewind in a millennia-long relationship, in which they were named as each other's "significant other" Cyclonus and Tailgate have also shared a close bond over the years that gradually evolved into a romantic relationship.

Hasbro has been totally cool with IDW doing this.

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Retrieved 1 June Retrieved March 12, Retrieved March 15, Joe,' 'Micronauts ' ". Retrieved March 10, Retrieved April 8, Retrieved May 17,