Dating with mild cerebral palsy

We went out again a week later and that's when he told me he had mild CP. He has a job as a radio announcer and so his disability doesn't really disable him so much.

Dating someone with cerebral palsy? : relationship_advice

He is a smart, witty and funny guy. He is a strong person and has similar goals and values to me. I guess the public response thus far has been bewilderment when an able-bodied woman like me goes out with him to shows and movies and we get stares and all kinds of ignorant comments. I am attracted to him but I guess I am taking this slow as because of his condition, I don't want to start something with him prematurely and then realise it wont work out and make him feel rejected because of his disability. It would not be that per se but more so that I am still healing from my last relationship break-up.

I told him I am happy to see him on a casual basis as a friend even though I know his feelings for me are more than that of a friend. There is so much of a stigma attached to dating people with a disability but I am so drawn to him as he has such a big heart and is so kind and considerate towards me more so than the able-bodied guys I have dated so far.

I really don't know what to do. I guess I should follow my heart but the implications are so great I guess I am just treading with caution - what is your take on this situation? We have fun together but a future with him - I just don't know Share Share this post on Digg Del. You've said that this guy is smart, strong person, and if things don't happen to work out between you, no doubt he'll deal with that However strong a person is, being rejected for something that's personal, outwith their control and probably an issue they've spent a lot of time and effort coming to terms with, is going to be hard to take You know all this, and it's put you in a dilemma.

Worrying about him feeling rejected as a result of his disability is encouraging you to focus on it I would be inclined to simply focus on and enjoy the many positive aspects this man has on offer, and not spend time fretting about the possibility of hurting him thereby turning him into a victim in your mind, when he doesn't sound anything like a victim in reality or analysing whether the two of you have a future together.

Dating, Self-Confidence, and CP

You've only known eachother for a short time. Just take the approach you would with anyone else - that you're still in the process of getting to know eachother, and aren't therefore in a position to contemplate what the future might hold for you both. Yes I would, if the quality of their character met my wants my needs, my standards.

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My wife has a disorder, bipolar type 2. It may mean you sometimes help your partner do daily tasks like cutting their fingernails or opening cans. It may mean you massage their limbs while you have sex so they do not cramp up. It may mean you remind them often of how wonderful their body is despite their limitations, even when they do not see it themselves.

Loving someone with a disability may mean you understand your own body more clearly.

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It may mean that you end up completely reevaluating and redefining how you understand bodies, strength, beauty and what partnership looks like. This love may allow you to expand your understanding of sex, intimacy, and co-partnership in a really beautiful way. Most importantly, loving someone with cerebral palsy will mean something different for every person and couple. But no matter what, we are all worthy of love and marriage if that is the path we choose for ourselves.

Even though we all deserve this option, many of us came to believe from a very young age that this life milestone will never be attainable for us. And it takes years to deconstruct that notion and recognize it for the lie that it is.

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Loving me means you kiss my scars, help me throw away these problematic misconceptions society has taught us, and we learn and grow together every step of the way. We want to hear your story. Find this story helpful? Share it with someone you care about. Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. Men like to be needed and a contributor to the family.

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If you have children, let him take care of them to the best of his abilities. Work as a team together to discover the right balance. Arguments will happen, but do it with respect and dignity.

Living with Mild Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Never use his disability against him. If you do, that is just not appropriate or respectful.

Your future husband wants the person he fell in love with. He wants to be loved and give love. He wants to be treated with respect, dignity and love. You already fell in love with him — cerebral palsy and all — so just continue communicating, having fun and obtaining goals. I hope I get used to everything about him which already am. I truly thank you with all my heart for writing this letter. I have married the love of my life who has cerebral palsy and it both been a beautiful and rough journey.

We have been together for almost 2 yrs married a few months and like the young lady who previously commented above, I also fall in love with over and over again.