Who does ct hook up with on rivals

C.T. & Diem Talk 'Rivals 2' Romance | Entertainment Tonight

Not only did she show her true colors, but she also heightened the Wes and Kenny rivalry. Inevitably, Johnny and Averey landed in elimination because everyone viewed them as unstable allies. Tony came into Battle of the Bloodlines like a bat out of hell, fighting with half of the cast and hooking up with Christina despite the fact that Madison was pregnant with his child at home.

While Cara Maria admits there was massaging and some intimacy, the hand job rumors are not confirmed. It seems like Kailah gravitated to Cory as soon as she got into the Invasion household, resulting in her being a part of his alliance. This immediately earned her enemies and as soon as she could be voted into the next elimination, she was… and by that point even Cory was ready to see her go.

The Challenge: Top 10 All Time Male Pairings Part Two (5–1)

Jenna has confirmed they made out but denied the finger action that was rumored by Ashley and Amanda. Regardless, this rumor caused Jenna to jeopardize her relationship with Zach and confront multiple girls in the house. While Bananas can get away with bringing a rookie under his wing, Natalie as essentially stabbed her rookie allies in the back in favor of working with her loyal ally.

But is he really that loyal? Emily was ruthless about voting off the 4th place team, as we saw at the second elimination. Holly and Chadwick get more focus because Chadwick went home second. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Curiously, the pair had never physically met in person before Rivals 2, and they were partnered due to a Twitter beef. Many to this day speculate that Bunim-Murray stacked the deck by giving Johnny such an incredible partner. Frank Sweeney is not a physical juggernaut by any means, but he is a cross-fit master with good size and strength.

He was about 5'10 lbs with top tier swimming ability, wicked intelligent, political psycho, and the best cardio out of anybody on the show. Frank acts crazy when in the environment of the house, but his jarring personality allows him to freak out others and he weasels his way out of eliminations time after time.

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  • Cooke Claims She and CT Didn't Hook Up On 'Rivals II,' But Do You Believe Her? [Video] - MTV;
  • C.T. & Diem Talk 'Rivals 2' Romance?

Him and Johnny were a solid second place the whole season compared to Wes and CT, but they had Jordan and Marlon nipping at them. As veterans who played a great game politically they floated their way to the final, making us wish we could have seen them in an elimination to earn their place.

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In the end, they got clocked by Wes and CT in the final, but took a strong second and remain one of the strongest male pairs ever. The first set of champions for this list, Johnny and Tyler went from one of the least eventful teams on Rivals 1 to being wrapped completely into all the action during the final two episodes. After only winning one daily challenge during the season, the Rivals pair skated to the final solely due to the MOB.

Kenny and Wes were often busy fending for themselves in eliminations, and then they had their doomsday plan of sending Evan and Nehemiah in to take out Adam and CT.

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After the doomsday plan erupted in their faces, it came down to the final daily challenge where LeRoy and Mike stunned the group of veterans to win and seal a place in the final. The MOB was quick to throw Bananas under the bus, but they surprised everyone by beating CT and Adam in an elimination that was pure speed and strength.

Tyler displayed true heart by taking two big hits from CT. Even though there is some foggy rumors around the team and Adam King possibly throwing the final elimination, the hits Tyler took is reason enough for them to deserve their spot in the final. In the final, despite food-poisoning, Tyler managed an incredible performance and displayed little fatigue compared to everyone else on the final besides Kenny. The backlash of their win comes with the process of the 2 day final.

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Kenny and Wes had a lead on them of about an hour on the first day, but for day two they were only given a lead of 2 minutes. It was a bit of a raw deal, but a win is a win, and they deserved it, maybe not as much as others, deserved though.

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What is there to say about this team that has not been said before? Obviously, Wes getting carried up the mountain is the most embarrassing television moment of his life. On top of that, it is evident that Kenny did atrocious as a competitor on the season besides the final and was carried hard by Wes throughout the game. However, the reason this team is second all-time above the team that beat them in the final, is that even though they did so poorly throughout the season, they were clearly still the best team in the game.

The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II - Official Sneak Peek (Episode 2) - MTV

While CT was the best player in the game, Wes was the 2nd best guy in the game and Kenny probably the 3rd, there was no weak link on the team besides their egos. They constantly berated each other and there was no sign of teamwork, but athletically they were just on another level.

From there it was all downhill. They were Rivals for a reason. Before these two showed up as teammates for Rivals 2, there was some legitimate hatred. They were mirrors of each other. Both of them were targets of the JEK dynasty, instead of letting them in, they built the whole game around them in order to defeat them Ruins, Rivals 1, Exes 1.