Matchmaking t-25

This chart is super helpful, but there's one thing that's ambiguous. Are some Premiums not on there e. It might be good to add a line or something listing Premiums that don't get pref MM, so we'll know how complete the chart is. Grinding Modules order of research plan: Warlord49, on 11 October - When some trendy new atrocity has brought you to your knees Come with us we'll sail the Seas of Cheese. Alo8ight, on 03 June - Lately, I've noticed a couple of questions regarding matchmaking.

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Please note that there are some words in Russian. The 1st column on the left hand side translates to "Vehicle Tier". The 2nd column right next to it translates to "Vehicle Name". Alo8ight, on 28 October - I own tanks.

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Xavier5A, on 28 October - Chipthed0g, on 28 October - Community Forum Software by IP. Search Advanced Search section: This topic Forums Help Files. Androyce 61 Posted 08 September - CrunchyTheOgre 65 Posted 02 October - Thanks Alo8ight for the chart!

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Very informative and easy to understand even for an Ogre. I've had it happen several times. GipsyDanger49 68 Posted 11 October - The tanks with it still exist, nothing has happened to them except they've been screwed over by the new MM, but that's another thing entirely , except I do believe WG has stopped making tanks with it, though they keep selling them.

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I believe there was also previously an aborted attempt to stop selling them. Furthermore, this new tank trade in feature may be WG tacitly encouraging people to trade in old powercrept vehicles like the IS-6 for newer, more relevant ones.

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World of Tanks: Preferential Matchmaking in Update 1.2

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