Country song about online dating

The Matrix digital rain can be seen falling on the screen behind the band's performance.

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In one part of the video, the geek's parents get into an argument over the father creating a MySpace online profile for himself. The mother intends to, in turn, create one for herself, after becoming infatuated with Paisley after seeing him performing the song.

"Famous People"

The father then acts hurt, a tongue-in-cheek reference to William Shatner 's own long-mocked music career. Later on, during the final scene of the music video, the mother tells Paisley "marching band music makes me As listed in liner notes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 6, Retrieved July 11, Archived from the original on Archived copy as title link.

Songs About Online Dating

Half a Box of Condoms and IV. Lieder, for those who don't know, is German for "song," not to be mixed up with Leder in Lederhosen, which means leather.

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It's hilariously creepy, with a touch of Opera and a lot of drama. In a deep, musical tone, he belts "Neurotic and lonely, average height, brown eyes, slightly disproportionate Brad Paisley also sung about what the web has done for dating. He's poignant in these lyrics: And all the women stood up and cheered when this song came out because it lifts up women in the most hilarious way.

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He takes on the macho man who "don't take orders," reminding him cleverly that while a man can probably bench , he's subject to what the woman wants. This line specifically had us hook, line, and sinker: Even though this song isn't full of romantic mushiness, it's a pretty perfect love song.

Because it gives advice on what to say -- or not say -- to your spouse, and is especially helpful for newlyweds or new couples; sometimes honesty isn't the best policy. If she really does look chubby in that dress, Paisley tells you what to do. Or if the meal she spent all day cooking tastes more like a tire than a treat, you'd better not tell her that.

Best Old/Classic Love Songs (#9-16)

One listen to this song will have you smiling, and the next listen will have you taking notes on exactly how to love your significant other. Bending the truth may be committing perjury, but it's not a crime or a lie The next time you want to buy your special woman something nice, listen to this song first.

Songs About Online Dating: Craigslistlieder by Gabriel Kahane

As Paisley points out, she doesn't want flowers or big expensive gifts, or even a getaway vacation. What she really wants is simple and free: She wants you to put that toilet seat down. This song sounds like a mid-tempo ballad, but in reality, it's all about the toilet, which makes it extra funny.

Brad Paisley - Celebrity

This song has wit, personality and a touch of Paisley humor that keeps fans coming back for me. The problem is, that woman isn't really into him.