I got scammed online dating

Additionally, certain Facebook groups dedicated to raising awareness flag scam profiles.

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Some people suggest trying to arrange a meeting as early as possible, although this seems risky. A better option might be to try to arrange a video call early on and see how they react. Scammers often work in groups posing as a single person. Romance scamming is such a big business that people even profit off of writing scripts for criminals to follow. One UK woman was jailed for two years for writing such scripts. Not all scammers will bother paying for original content and things like poetry and romantic verses can easily be lifted from the internet.

Dating site scam victims lose £2,000 to fraudsters

When it comes to online public profiles, you should be very cautious about the pieces of information you divulge. For people conducting these scams, this is often their full-time job. A British Columbia man was in an online relationship for just six weeks before he started handing over money to his suitor. One romance scam victim described the feeling as similar to being brainwashed. This can start out very innocently. But it can quickly ramp up. A common request for money can involve the scammer coming to visit the victim. They might say they need money for flights or other expenses.

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Other large sums might be requested for investing in a business or for medical costs. The urgency of these demands tends to ramp up and can even become threatening. One common request is to send money for fees with the pretense that the victim will be compensated with additional often huge sums of money. She believed she was set to receive a sum many times higher than that in compensation from the Nigerian court system. There is some good news in that companies like Western Union are being held accountable for helping scammers.

As such, they are becoming more strict about the transfers they allow to go through. Of course, there are always other ways to transfer money. But this stuff happens all the time during online dating scams. Similarly, you should never receive or sends goods or money on behalf of someone else.

Sharon Armstrong learned about this type of scam the hard way. Unfortunately, she ended up spending two and a half years in an Argentinian prison for cocaine smuggling. Whether the fraudster has promised to visit the victim or pay them back some money, there is always some excuse. These can be elaborate to the point where they may seem believable. One common scenario involves the victim believing the scammer is coming to visit them. Then something comes up and the scammer needs money for a passport or a ticket or to tie up some loose ends.

While pinning their hopes on a real-life meeting, the victim keeps doling out money, even though the excuses become more and more far-fetched. They may use a fictional name, or falsely take on the identities of real, trusted people such as military personnel, aid workers or professionals working abroad. Dating and romance scammers will express strong emotions for you in a relatively short period of time, and will suggest you move the relationship away from the website to a more private channel, such as phone, email or instant messaging. They often claim to be from Australia or another western country, but travelling or working overseas.

They may take months to build what may feel like the romance of a lifetime and may even pretend to book flights to visit you, but never actually come. They may also ask you to send pictures or videos of yourself, possibly of an intimate nature. Often the scammer will pretend to need the money for some sort of personal emergency. For example, they may claim to have a severely ill family member who requires immediate medical attention such as an expensive operation, or they may claim financial hardship due to an unfortunate run of bad luck such as a failed business or mugging in the street.

The scammer may also claim they want to travel to visit you, but cannot afford it unless you are able to lend them money to cover flights or other travel expenses. Sometimes the scammer will send you valuable items such as laptop computers and mobile phones, and ask you to resend them somewhere.

They will invent some reason why they need you to send the goods but this is just a way for them to cover up their criminal activity. Alternatively they may ask you to buy the goods yourself and send them somewhere. You might even be asked to accept money into your bank account and then transfer it to someone else. Warning - the above scenarios are very likely to be forms of money laundering which is a criminal offence. Never agree to transfer money for someone else.

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They will tell you they need your money to cover administrative fees or taxes. Scammers may attempt to lure their victims overseas, putting you in dangerous situations that can have tragic consequences. Regardless of how you are scammed, you could end up losing a lot of money.

How to Avoid a Romance Scam When Using Online Dating Sites

Then, it's best to get him to tell police or another family member on the issue because he is a victim of extortion. Help him to see he is not the one in the wrong. Not Helpful 23 Helpful Can they still be scamming you even if they don't ask for money? Do they contact you once you call them scammers? Some scammers find ways to get your money without asking for it. Some scammers will disappear if you call them scammers, but some will try to convince you otherwise.

Not Helpful 22 Helpful Should I trust a girl who won't give me her phone number or let me see her Facebook account?


If she contacted you first that might be a red flag, but if you contacted her first, she might be trying to be cautious. Look for other signs. Not Helpful 9 Helpful If someone I met online is always spending money on me, and then asking me to send them money in return, could these be signs of a scam?

Scammers don't usually spend money on their victims, rather they demand money from their victims and it never stops. However, spending money on you and then turning around and asking for money could be a case of bait and switch to lower your guard, so be careful.

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Ask why they need money so badly if they are spending it on you, as it'd just be easier if they kept that money for their own needs! Not Helpful 25 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Unfortunately, encountering online scammers is a very real possibility.

Avoid a Romance Scam When Using Dating Sites - Consumer Reports

Romance scams are the leading cause of lost money due to scams, and somewhere around 12 percent of people who use online dating have reported running into a scammer. Refraining from answering this question or saying something snarky like "I work" will often dissuade them from pursuing your profile. Searching for a person on job sites like LinkedIn may help you find the person or people on which a scammer is basing their profile. Certain speech patterns could indicate that they are a scammer. Poor English and nonsense words indicate that they probably aren't in the United States.

Warnings Remember the Golden Rule of online interaction: Never give out your dating service account password. Even employees of the dating service will not ask for your password. Do not accept packages or payments from potential scammers, as doing so may involve you in money laundering. Article Info This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.