Essence magazine dating

The science of smell. But evolutionarily, smell is one of the most important senses.

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It helps us make sense of our environment by keeping us safe from spoiled food, for instance, and tipping us off to threats like fire or gas leaks. The nose also deserves credit for much of our pleasure, especially when it comes to another of our chemical senses: When we smell and chew something, like a chocolate chip cookie, odor molecules travel to the back of the nose, where they dissolve into mucus and bind to olfactory receptor cells. Those receptors rocket the smell directly to the brain, a much quicker route than other senses take. As a result, smell can trigger thoughts and behaviors very quickly.

Catch a whiff of cookies baking, and you might suddenly be struck by a memory of mom. You might also start salivating. Smelling a snack is simple compared to sniffing another member of the our species. Animals secrete pheromones, a distinct cocktail of chemicals that, in very small doses, have the power to influence how those animals respond to one another.

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These pheromones shape the social and sexual lives of some creatures, like invertebrates, insects and rodents, by attracting them towards evolutionarily compatible partners, which are desirable because they lead to better offspring. Simply by using their sense of smell, mice end up choosing mates with MHC types that are not too similar, yet not too different, from their own, as a way to avoid inbreeding and to make their offspring evolutionarily as strong as possible.

Whether or not these odors play the same behavior-influencing role in human mate choice, however, is still up for some debate. Researchers agree that our sense of smell is important to human relationships, and that we are hard-wired to be drawn to people whose scent we like—be it from a bottle or their armpits.

But the idea that humans emit invisible chemicals that could drive us to a partner is hardly the consensus today. Still, I wanted to give it a try.

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But breathing him in was powerful and delicious, and I liked the idea that his scent spoke just to me. The human version of the MHC, called the human leukocyte antigen, or HLA, is also linked to a large number of olfactory receptors and appears to be particularly important for how we smell other people. In a study published in Nature Genetics , researchers focused on the Hutterites, an isolated American religious community descended from a relatively small number of ancestors. The group therefore all had similar HLA genes. The researchers wanted to find out if women were sniffing out men with just-right HLA profiles.

Their odor preferences were indeed linked to the partner having just the right kind of HLA. Other research in this area is mixed. Would you like to view this in our Australian edition? Would you like to view this in our Asia edition?

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