Dating in nyc vs sf

That said, I'd prefer a "6" who is super-intelligent and interesting, to a "9" with whom I have nothing in common. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Artists spend their whole lives on the awareness of seeing. When you fall for someone you truly see them, much like an artist does. There is more beauty in that than a roomful of 10's at a wet T-shirt contest.

I like Tyler Cowen's theory: Women then compete for lucrative marriage prizes. NYC has both variables.

Dating in San Francisco vs New York: It’s not Just a Numbers Game

I live in NYC and can think of three reasons. I bet it is a variety of factors, all adding up: I just doubt it's one thing. Nice reply and do agree with: I have friends with kids there. If you have enough money, it's still great. It only sucks if you're financially struggling or sending your kids through the SF public school lottery. Even if you're not rich, it might not be so bad. I grew up in a state known for it's amazing public school system, and it was still a bunch of bullshit. I would have rather grown up somewhere I could have ridden my bike every day of the year and gotten college credits from one of the best community college systems in the country.

I had kids in SF. You are either going to spend a spectacular amount of money to rent a town house in an acceptable part of San Francisco and put up with an insane public school system , or your kids are going to grow up in a California suburb. That's a dilemma I'm happy to avoid.

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The SF public school lottery is garbage, but many of the suburbs are great. Would rather grow up or raise kids in San Mateo vs. I'm getting a kick out of the Schaumburg comments. I lived there in the mid 90s, working in the next suburb north of there, Rolling Meadows. At least then it was a pretty soulless place and better known as Scumburg and Rolling Ghettos. I live in a tiny village in the foothills of the Berkshires now. Last night was spent listing to the year old town military band perform on the grounds of the historical society in perfect weather.

My small kids ran around and played off by themselves and as I walked around I said hi to people I know and who know me. Maybe I'm just getting old but that one simple night was worth more than anything living in SF could give me. The uncanny resemblance that everything south of South San Francisco and east of Oakland has to Schaumburg definitely informs a lot of my opinions about the area.

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  8. If you're going to live in a Schaumburg, you should indeed pick Silicon Schaumburg, and not Frozen Schaumburg. That's what I'm sayin'. Citywise, I don't know enough about New Chicago to make an informed opinion.

    I vowed never to return in , but I've heard it's become a great place. Don't mistake this for boosterism.

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    I love this city, but I'm motivated more by hatred of strip malls. Spent half year there in Miami is fucked up. Would live in regular Schaumburg before I lived in Miami again. Miami is kind of cool because it is fucked up. But I was glad to get out of there.

    Also, I thought this was in the context of raising kids? Miami seems like the textbook example of the wrong place to raise kids I don't know if it's right to compare all of silicon valley suburbia to schaumburg, either. I think San Mateo is much different than Palo Alto, and both are much better than say The urban density in San Mateo is higher than Minneapolis, for example.

    We often function and make decisions in our personal and professional lives based off of our values without knowing how to describe them. We are often easily offended when people encroach on our personal values and may not know why we are so upset. In a dating context we often dismiss someone after a first date because of values violations but simply state that there was no chemistry. Rapport specifically works with clients one-on-one to help them articulate and understand their personal values prior to engaging in further online dating or matchmaking.

    It is impossible to screen if you do not know what is a deal breaker, what you are looking for, and who you are. Understanding the way another person responds to your personal values can give you more information about the long term potential of a relationship than a checklist of desirable traits.

    Every day I work with clients who want their dates to act in a certain way. We will go back and look at their personal values to understand why they are upset and then I ask them a powerful question: If you are looking for X, why are you living in a city that supports Y?

    Dating in nyc vs sf – The Art of Battle

    Research suggests choosing the right city, one that matches your values and personality, is a huge factor in your overall health and well-being. So if you believe you are living in a city that is in sync with your personal values then taking the time to open yourself up to new people in your city is probably a better place to start. If, however, you are willing to fly across the country to meet people who may or may not be serious about a relationship , I would ask you if you are flying because you are tired of jerks or are you going because you are attracted to the culture of the city and the promise that of meeting someone who supports that culture?

    Knowing what you are looking for will save you a ton of time, frustration and money. Because the truth is, there are jerks in all cities, and you will likely continue to date jerks in all cities until you figure out who you are and what you value. So to those women who may soon hop on a plane to travel to San Francisco, please leave your New York expectations and your little black dress behind.

    San Franciscan men are looking for intelligent women who are passionate about their life, changing the wold, and finding an equal partnership. If you share these values, we welcome you to San Francisco.