Dating girl half my age

OP, I'm soon to be I've dated from The craziest chick I ever dated was older than me. All the ones around my age want a ring and children NOW. They're also jaded from years of being cheated on, used as a cum dumpster, whatever. I get along great with younger chicks.

They are no more prone to cheating than older chicks and, like you said, they're much more open to adventure and loving life in general. I relate to them because I've been a lot of places and I seriously love simple, basic, fun things in life. Also, I've met plenty of fathers of younger chicks and they love me so there's that. The relationship CAN work as long as you can relate to them. Younger chicks are going to look to you for guidance in a lot of things because they'll see you as having life experience. It's true so be prepared to talk them through a lot of things that you might not see as a big issue but which are a HUGE issue to them.

The thing you do need to watch out for is getting used.

Dating a girl half my age people say it's wrong but is it really? - GirlsAskGuys

As long as that isn't the case, this relationship isn't any different than dating someone older other than life experience. Right now, I work with a lot of year olds. I'd much rather be around young people. Young women are great, they're fun and they aren't in a rush to get married and pop kids out. That's a huge win for those of us who aren't in a rush ourselves.

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PS - My good friend has a dad that is 12 years older than his wife. They've been married for a long time. Let the haters hate. Originally Posted by AJ WHen I was 19 I dated a guy who was 25 and I considered him "older" so 40 yr olds weren't on my radar. I get dating a older but this a bit much. You have to realize unless you're bringing something special to the table most women want to date someone thier own age or a FEW years older. If a women is dating much older it's usually for a couple reasons 1.

He's really special ie money 2. Guys her own age don't want to deal w her or 3. She wants a Sugar Daddy. You know what's great It's also great when they have their own job, pay their own way and don't want my financial help. Love it, love it, love it. You know what else is great Younger chicks LOVE adventure, they love when you can tell them about getting chased by a hippo in Africa, when you teach them how to shoot, when you show them how to cook certain meals, when you explain to them that the credit card they're looking at is a bad idea because of crappy APR's, etc etc.

As much as the western world doesn't want to admit it, girls like a guy who is intelligent, fun and a good leader. Younger chicks love it the most because guys their age don't have those qualities. Being an older guy sets you apart from the crowd. If your considering her for the long term, be VERY weiry as she changes after On the other hand, I don't know how some of you guys do it. Like how akward would it be for you to show up at a social gathering among her friends, wouldn't you feel like their father?

I know, you spend majority of time with her and not her friends, but still.

Dr. Drew on dealing with a dating age gap

GOOD luck getting her family to accept it. Media outlets often publicise them this way because they know readers pass judgment: Is he a lech? Is she a gold-digger? But when both parties in a relationship are above the age of consent and not abusive in any way, should we still be labelling it as sketchy - or give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a connection that works?

A post shared by onfox on Mar 12, at When I was 30, I dated someone who was 46 without thinking twice about the large gap between us - possibly because he still managed to behave like he was in his 20s. But a recent courtship with someone nine years younger than me gave me pause, because even though the difference was smaller, it felt bigger because of our differing wants. He saw marriage as something three to five years down the road where I saw it more as one to three. The Pew Research Center has found that for heterosexual couples in the United States, 5 per cent of men marry a woman 10 or more years younger, and for 10 per cent, she's six to nine years younger.

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And this statistic increases for a second marriage, with 20 per cent of men marrying someone at least 10 years younger. When you reverse the genders, stats say that for a first marriage it's only about 1 per cent of women with a husband 10 years or more her junior, 2 per cent for six to nine years younger.

It also bumps up for a second marriage - to 5 per cent and 6 per cent, respectively. The public sometimes lauds these older woman-younger man relationships for flouting the stereotype - witness the plaudits for French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte, who's 24 years older - but there still can be bias against them, too, as with the discussion around Lisa Brateman, a psychotherapist and relationship specialist, says they tend to have distinct psychological traits.

When you turned 18 and were a legal adult she was 2. That should be a little eye opening. If not you really should talk to someone about your mental state. Clearly you have a problem finding an attractive, intelligent woman in their 20s and have chosen to date a child. I'm not sure if that's even legal since 16 is under age. What I do know is that a 16 year old is a mentally and in many cases physically underdeveloped child and that preying on them makes you a sick individual.

I think if she was like Even though 16 is legal doesn't mean it should happen. I've done 10 years older. She'll feel even more used and worthless when you leave her than if it was a guy her own age.

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If you really care just walk away and let her find someone her own age. Save some legals headaches for yourself. Be wise not smart about it. It's twice her age and she is developing mentally making her closer to a child than a fully grown 32 year old with a fully developed mind lusting after someone so young instead of women is own age or in their twenties.

Just want to clarify that a pedo does not apply to someone that goes after a 16 year old lol. Technically no but calling someone an ephebophilie just kinda minimises the disgusting situation here.

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Thank you rthomas43 for those of you who think I'm a perv well I've asked to speak to her parents for their blessings. Although they might not do it I think love is blind I'm not desperate I like her and she likes me that's all there's to it. Thomas that is your opinion perhaps when you are 32 or have a 16 year old daughter who wants to date a 32 yr old perhaps you'll have a different outlook.

Asker you are either desperate or a peado that's how clear it'll look to most people.

Why do men date women half their age?

Yesssss yess yesss sooo wrong , ur like her daddy ,, go get u someone older wtf. And it seems like you're getting off on the fact that she's black. Why did you have to call her a "black girl? But seriously man, 16? What are you doing? I'm not going to be polite about this, this is fucked up. You made out with a minor who is barely old enough to drive.

She's in high school, man. I'm guessing this is illegal too. Even in the states where the AOC is 16 there are usually limits to that. Why do you want to be with someone so young? Do you really have anything in common? There is no year-old who is at the maturity level of an average year-old. Not even the phenom genius kids.

There are, however, year-olds at the maturity level of an average year-old. I hope that's not you but that's the only reason I can see that you'd want to do this. She's in high school. She lives with her parents. She can barely drive. You can't even do any thing 18 plus! She is in high school. Maybe you don't have a lot of luck with women, I don't know. But this is not a woman. This is a girl. I don't care how desperate you are, you can't do this. Do you want everyone to call you a pedophile for the rest of your life? That's what they'll do.

They'll talk behind your back and always think of you as that creepy guy who's into underage girls. Is that what you want? You can't keep it secret. I know you think you can but you can't. If I ever had a daughter that brought home a guy that was double her age, I would kill the fucker right then and there.

Dude if she made out with you that fast after your just met, she's a thottie. She'd most likely cheat on you.