Kundli match making for marriage

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Kundali Matching

Sign Compatibility What star signs are compatible? Rashi koota tells about happiness between the couple. Nadi koota tells about physical compatibility and child birth.

No, this is a basic method as it uses only Birth star and Birth sign. We need to check horoscopes of the couple to find about doshas they have and solutions to those doshas. Kuja dosha or Mangal dosh.

Horoscope Matching/ Kundali Matching/ Kundli Matching for Marriage Free

There are so many Vedic remedies for these doshas which help couple to lead happy married life. Please consult a learned Astrologer before taking final decision about marriage. Check your horoscope for Kalasarpa dosh, get remedies suggestions for Kasasarpa dosha. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.

I will try my level best to give you accurate Astrology programs and predictions.

Free Matchmaking, Kundli Milan & Gun Milan | Traditional Horoscope Matching

We have also developed Telugu Version for this Marriage matching tool. Kalsarp Dosha Check Check your horoscope for Kalasarpa dosh, get remedies suggestions for Kasasarpa dosha. Thanks for visiting Namaste! South Indian North Indian. Site Map Contact Us. Before marriage majority of the families consult a astrologer for matching of the Horoscopes of the boy and the Girl.

The Vedic system of Astrology has in it a age old traditional Horoscope Matching or Kundli matching system in which the placement of planet moon in both horoscopes is taken into considerations and a points are given for various descriptions.

कुंडली मिलान (हिंदी में) -- Match Making of Horoscope -- Guna Milan-- Kundali Milan, Low Guna Part 1

Get the detailed horoscope matching on discount Rs. The free Kundli Milan Report would give you analysis of following kundli milan points: Each of the above has its own significance and have their own number of points. These all add up to 36 and a score below 18 is not considered a good match according to traditional astrology.


We are providing you a free utility to match the astrological charts of boy and a girl for the purpose of marriage through traditional method of Kundli Milan Gun Milan. Horoscope Matching Report is far more detailed than the Gun milan as the whole basis of Gun Milan is dependent only on one planet which is Moon and the rest of the 8 planets, dasha, Yogas, combinations etc are not seen in the Gun Milan.

Finding The Right Partner Through Kundli Matching

So why should you take risk by just matching one planet when the whole of the horoscope is important. Hence Gun Milan less or more, the match could be good or bad depends on complete horoscope matching Yes it is very much possible that a a Manglik can marry a Non Manglik if the rest of the planets are well placed and are having good yogas, a Manglik and a Non- Manglik marriage can surely be successful. Moreover there are various cancellations and remedies which you will only get to know in the personalized horoscope matching report.