Nuchal dating

A nuchal translucency scan is part of the ultrasound scan that may give an indication of chromosomal abnormality. Learn more about how and when it is performed. During your pregnancy, you will be offered a number of tests and scans. The aim is always to check on the health of you and your baby, but it can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing. Handy infographic that shows what you can expect at each antenatal appointment during your pregnancy.

Why would I have a dating scan?

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What is NT scan?-Dr. Geeta Komar

The information is not a substitute for independent professional advice and should not be used as an alternative to professional health care. If you have a particular medical problem, please consult a healthcare professional. Access trusted, quality health information and advice Visit healthdirect.

  • What is a nuchal translucency scan?.
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week pregnancy dating scan: what will it tell me? | MadeForMums

General health Pregnancy and parenting Aged care Caring for someone. Dating scans are used to confirm how many weeks pregnant you are and your expected due date. Why would I have a dating scan? How is a dating scan performed? What preparation do I need to do for a dating scan? The results of a nuchal translucency scan may tell you if your baby has a high or low risk of a chromosomal abnormality. Examples of chromosomal abnormalities include trisomy 21 Down Syndrome , trisomy 18 Edwards Syndrome or trisomy 13 Patau syndrome.

The results will tell you if your baby is at high risk or low risk of chromosomal abnormality in comparison to the general population.

The nuchal translucency scan is done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Usually the scan is done through your abdomen but occasionally the nuchal translucency can only be seen by inserting a probe into the vagina. You might also be offered a blood test around this time. Your doctor can look at the results of the combined test blood test and nuchal translucency scan to get a more accurate picture of the risk of a chromosomal abnormality. The results of the nuchal translucency scan will not be used alone to calculate the risk of a chromosomal abnormality.

All your first trimester screening is combined to calculate your risk.

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If your risk is less than 1 in , you are considered low risk. If it is between 1 in 50 and 1 in you are considered intermediate risk. If it is greater than 1 in 50 you are considered high risk. You may be referred to a genetic counsellor.

What does a nuchal translucency scan look for?

They will discuss your options and help you to decide if you would like to have a more invasive diagnostic test, such as chorionic villus sampling CVS or amniocentesis. These diagnostic tests can tell you definitively if your baby has a chromosomal abnormality or not. Tests such as CVS and amniocentesis carry a small risk of miscarriage. You might choose to have a nuchal translucency scan or you may choose to go straight to one of the more invasive diagnostic tests instead to get a definitive answer.

You can have chorionic villus sampling from 11 weeks of pregnancy, or you can have an amniocentesis from 15 weeks of pregnancy. You can also call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on to talk about these tests and what the results could mean for you and your pregnancy.

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Information on pregnancy ultrasound scans including when they are taken, what it can be used for, dating scans, anomaly scans, plus links to trusted resources. Information on routine antenatal screening tests during pregnancy including weight and height, blood tests, infections, pap test, plus links to trusted resources. Screening for Down's syndrome will happen at the dating scan if:. The screening test for Down's syndrome used at this stage of pregnancy is called the "combined test". It involves a blood test and measuring the fluid at the back of the baby's neck nuchal translucency with an ultrasound scan.

This is sometimes called a nuchal translucency scan. The nuchal translucency measurement can be taken during the dating scan. Find out more about the combined screening test for Down's syndrome.

How is a dating scan performed?

You won't be offered the combined screening test if your dating scan happens after 14 weeks. Instead, you will be offered another blood test between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy to screen for the risk of Down's syndrome. This test is not quite as accurate as the combined test. Skip to main content.